Returns information about the diagnostic filter configuration settings collections currently in use in your organization. Diagnostic filter configuration settings are used to determine whether traffic to or from a given domain or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is recorded in your Microsoft Communications Server 2010 log files.
Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration [-Identity <XdsIdentity>] [-LocalStore <SwitchParameter>] |
Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration [-Filter <String>] [-LocalStore <SwitchParameter>] |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Identity |
Optional |
Xds Identity |
Unique identifier for the diagnostics filter configuration settings to be returned. To return settings configured at the site scope, use syntax similar to this: -Identity "site:Redmond". To return settings configured at the service scope, use syntax like this: -Identity "". To return the global settings, use this syntax: -Identity global. If this parameter is not specified, then all of the diagnostics filter configuration settings currently in use will be returned. |
Filter |
Optional |
String |
Enables you to use wildcard characters when specifying the settings collection (or collections) to be returned. For example, this syntax returns all the settings configured at the site scope: -Filter "site:*". (In other words, all the collections that have an Identity that begins with the string value "site:".) Likewise, this syntax returns all the settings configured at the service scope: -Filter "service:*". Note that you cannot use both the Filter and the Identity parameters in the same command. |
LocalStore |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Detailed Description
If you enable logging for Communications Server 2010, then, by default, traffic traveling to or from any domain or URI is included in those log files. This ensures that as much information as possible is recorded in the log files.
However, this can occasionally result in too much information. For example, if you are experiencing connectivity problems with a particular domain, you might want to limit logging to traffic between your network and that specific domain; that makes it easier for you to identify the relevant records and, in turn, might make it easier for you to diagnose and correct the problem.
Diagnostic filter configuration settings make it possible for you to specify the domains or URIs that will be recorded in the log files; if diagnostic filtering is enabled, then the only traffic to or from the specified domains will be logged. Communications Server enables you to create diagnostic filter settings at the site scope or the service scope (for either the Edge Server or the Registrar service). In turn, this enables you to apply filtering to, say, the Redmond site while leaving filtering disabled on your other sites.
The Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration cmdlet enables you to return information about the diagnostic filter configuration settings currently in use in your organization.
Return Types
Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration returns instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WriteableConfig.Settings.Diagnostics.DiagnosticFilterSettings object.
-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------
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Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration |
In Example 1, information is returned for all of the diagnostic filter configuration settings currently in use in the organization. This is done by calling Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration without any parameters.
-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------
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Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration -Identity site:Redmond |
The preceding command returns information for a single collection of diagnostic filter configuration settings: those settings applied to the Redmond site (-Identity site:Redmond). Because Identities must be unique, this command will never return more than a single item.
-------------------------- Example 3 ------------------------
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Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration -Identity site:Redmond | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Filter |
The command shown in Example 3 displays the information about the individual filters contained within the diagnostic filter configuration settings for the Redmond site (-Identity site:Redmond). To do this, the command first uses Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration to return the filter settings for the Redmond site. This information is then piped to the Select-Object cmdlet, which uses the ExpandProperty parameter to "expand" the value of the Filter property. Expanding the Filter property enables you to access the properties and property values for the individual filters maintained in the diagnostic filter configuration settings.
-------------------------- Example 4 ------------------------
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Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration -Filter "service:*" |
Example 4 returns all the diagnostic filter configuration settings that have been applied at the service scope. This task is achieved by including the Filter parameter and the filter value "service:*"; that filter value limits the returned data to settings that have an Identity that begins with the characters "service:".
-------------------------- Example 5 ------------------------
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Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq $True} |
The preceding command returns all the diagnostic filter configuration settings that are currently enabled. To do this, the command first calls Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration without any parameters; this returns a collection of all the diagnostic filter configuration settings currently in use. This collection is then piped to the Where-Object cmdlet, which selects only those settings where the Enabled property is equal to (-eq) True ($True).
-------------------------- Example 6 ------------------------
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Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration -Identity global | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Filter | Where-Object {$_.Uri -contains ""} |
The command shown in Example 6 returns a subset of the filters found in the global diagnostic filter configuration settings; in particular, it returns filters where the Uri property includes the SIP address To do this, the command first uses Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration to return all the filter information for the global instance of the filter configuration settings. This information is then piped to the Select-Object cmdlet, which expands the Filter property. The individual filter objects are then piped to Select-Object, which extracts only those filters where the Uri property includes (-contains) the SIP address
-------------------------- Example 7 ------------------------
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Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration -Identity global | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Filter | Where-Object {$_.Uri -notcontains ""} |
Example 7 is a variation of the command shown in Example 6; in Example 7, however, filters are returned only if their Uri property does not include the SIP address To carry out this task. The command calls Get-CsDiagnosticFilterConfiguration to return all the filter information for the global instance of the filter configuration settings. This information is then piped to the Select-Object cmdlet, which expands the Filter property. The filter objects that are returned are then piped to Select-Object, which selects only those filters where the Uri property does not include (-notcontains) the SIP address