Enables one or more users for Microsoft Communications Server 2010. Users cannot use Communicator, Live Meeting, or other Communications Server 2010 clients until the users have been enabled. Enabling a user does things such as assign that user a home server and a SIP address. The SIP address is used to identify and locate a user during instant message sessions, Web conferences, and other similar activities.
Enable-CsUser -Identity <UserIdParameter> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-HostingProvider <Fqdn>] [-PassThru <SwitchParameter>] [-ProxyPool <Fqdn>] [-RegistrarPool <Fqdn>] [-SipAddress <String>] [-SipAddressType <FirstLastName | EmailAddress | UserPrincipalName | SAMAccountName | None>] [-SipDomain <Fqdn>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Identity |
Required |
UserIDParameter |
Indicates the Identity of the user account to be enabled for Communications Server. User Identities can be specified using one of four formats: 1) The user's SIP address; 2) the user's Universal Principal Name; 3) the user's domain name and logon name, in the form domain\logon (for example, litwareinc\kenmyer); and, 4) the user's Active Directory Domain Services display name (for example, Ken Myer). Note that the SamAccountName cannot be used as an identity because SamAccountNames are not necessarily unique in a forest. You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character when using the Display Name as the user Identity. For example, the Identity "* Smith" would return all the users with the last name Smith. |
RegistrarPool |
Required |
Indicates the registrar pool where the user's Communications Server account will be "homed." This means the registrar pool essentially acts as the user's home server. |
SipAddressType |
Optional |
String |
Instructs Communications Server to auto-generate a SIP address for the new user. In order to have Communications Server auto-generate the SIP address, you must include the -SipAddressType parameter and use one of the following parameter values: FirstLastName. The SIP address is the user's first name and a period followed by the user's last name and the SIP domain. For example, the user Ken Myer would have a SIP address similar to this: Ken.Myer@litwareinc.com. EmailAddress. The user's email address (as defined in Active Directory Domain Services) is also used as the SIP address. UserPrincipalName. The user's user principal name (as defined in Active Directory Domain Services) is also used as the SIP address. SAMAccountName. The SIP address is the user's SamAccountName (logon name) followed by the SIP domain. For example, the user with the SamAccountName kmyer will have a SIP address similar to this: kmyer@litwareinc.com. None. The SipAddressType parameter is not required if you use the SIPAddress parameter and explicitly assign the user a SIP address. |
SipDomain |
Optional |
String |
The SIP domain for the user account being enabled. This parameter is required if you use the SIPAddressType parameter to have Microsoft Communications Server auto-generate a SIP address for the user and if you based SIP addresses on the SamAccountName or the user’s first name and last name. |
SipAddress |
Optional |
String |
Indicates the SIP address to be assigned to the user. The SIP address is roughly equivalent to a phone number or e-mail address: it is a unique identifier that enables people to communicate with you by using SIP technologies such as instant messaging. SIP addresses are often equivalent to a user's e-mail address (for example, kenmyer@litwareinc.com); however, this is not a requirement. When specifying the SIP address, make sure you preface the address with "sip:". That means the value supplied to the SipAddress parameter should look something like this : sip:kenmyer@litwareinc.com. The SipAddress parameter should not be used if you are calling SipAddressType in order to have Communications Server automatically generate a SIP address for the user. |
HostingProvider |
Optional |
String |
This parameter is used only for hosted instances of Communications Server (known as the "in the cloud" scenario). It should not be used with an on-premises implementation of Communications Server. |
ProxyPool |
Optional |
String |
This parameter is used only for hosted instances of Communications Server (also known as the "in the cloud" scenario). It should not be used with an on-premises implementation of Communications Server. |
DomainController |
Optional |
String |
PassThru |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
WhatIf |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command. |
Confirm |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command. |
Detailed Description
Before a user can log on to Communications Server, that user must meet two requirements: he must have a valid Active Directory Domain Services account, and that account must be enabled for Communications Server. One way to enable a user account for Communications Server is to use the Enable-CsUser cmdlet. To enable an account for Communications Server with this cmdlet, you must do the following (in order): 1) Select the account (or accounts) to be enabled; 2) Select a registrar pool (that is, a home server) for the account; and 3) Assign the account a SIP address. Note that you can have the system construct a user's SIP address for you. Alternatively, you can enable the account without assigning the user a SIP address. That will enable the account, but will leave the user unable to log on to Communications Server until she has a valid SIP address.
Return Types
Enable-CsUser does not return a value or object. Instead, the cmdlet configures instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConnect.Schema.ADUser object.
-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------
Copy Code | |
Enable-CsUser -Identity "Pilar Ackerman" -RegistrarPool "atl-mcs-001.litwareinc.com" -SipAddressType SamAccountName -sipdomain litwarein.com |
In Example 1, Enable-CsUser enables the user account with the Identity Pilar Ackerman. In this example, the user is assigned to the registrar pool atl-mcs-001.litwareinc.com, and Communications Server auto-generates the SIP address. The SIP address itself will be the user's SAMAccountName (for example, pilarack) followed by the SIP domain litwareinc.com.
-------------------------- Example 2 --------------------------
Copy Code | |
Enable-CsUser -Identity "Pilar Ackerman" -RegistrarPool "atl-mcs-001.litwareinc.com" -SipAddress "sip:pilar@litwareinc.com" |
In the preceding example, the Active Directory Domain Services user account belonging to Pilar Ackerman is enabled for use with Communications Server. In order to configure the account for use with Communications Server two parameters (besides Identity, which indicates the account to be enabled) are used with Enable-CsUser: RegistrarPool, which is used to indicate the new user's home cluster, and SipAddress, which is used to specify the SIP address for the new user. In this case, the SIP address is explicitly assigned; Communications Server is not used to auto-generate the address.
-------------------------- Example 3 --------------------------
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Get-CsAdUser -LDAPFilter "department=Finance" | Enable-CsUser -RegistrarPool "atl-mcs-001.litwareinc.com" -SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain litwareinc.com |
In Example 3, all the users who work for the Finance department have their accounts enabled for use with Communications Server. To carry out this task, the Get-CsAdUser cmdlet is used, along with the LDAPFilter parameter, to return a collection of all the users who work for the Finance department. That information is then piped to Enable-CsUser, which enables each account in the collection for use with Communications Server. In order to enable an account, you must specify two things: the user's home pool and the user's SIP address. In this example, the home pool is specified by using the -RegistrarPool parameter. The SIP address is not directly assigned, however. Instead, two parameters, SIPAddressType and SIPDomain, are added to the command. In a case like this, a new SIP address, consisting of the user's SamAccountName and the SIP domain name, will automatically be generated for each account. For example, a user with the SAMAccountName kenmyer and the SIP domain litwareinc.com will be given the SIP address sip:kenmyer@litwareinc.com.
-------------------------- Example 4 --------------------------
Copy Code | |
Get-CsAdUser -Filter {CSEnabled -eq $False} | Enable-CsUser -RegistrarPool "atl-mcs-001.litwareinc.com" -SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain litwareinc.com |
The preceding command enables all the Active Directory Domain Services users who have not yet been enabled for Communications Server. To do this, the Get-CsAdUser cmdlet is invoked, along with the Filter parameter. The filter {CSEnabled -eq $False} returns a collection of all the users who have not been enabled for Communications Server; that is, all the users whose enabled attribute is equal to (-eq) False ($False). That collection is then piped to Enable-CsUser, which enables each account; assigns the user to the registrar pool atl-mcs-001.litwareinc.com; and auto-generates a SIP address for each user.