[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Returns information about the online status (True or False) of one or more Microsoft Communications Server 2010 user databases.


Get-CsUserDatabaseState [-Identity <String>]
Get-CsUserDatabaseState [-RegistrarPool <Fqdn>]


Parameter Required Type Description




Unique identifier of the user database whose online status is to be returned. For example: -Identity Redmond-UserStore-1.

You cannot use both –Identity and –RegistrarPool in the same command, nor can you use wildcards with either parameter. If both parameters are omitted Get-CsUserDatabaseState returns information about all the user databases currently in use.




Fully qualified domain name of the Registrar pool hosting the user databases whose online status is to be returned. For example: -RegistrarPool atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com.

You cannot use both –Identity and –RegistrarPool in the same command, nor can you use wildcards with either parameter. If both parameters are omitted Get-CsUserDatabaseState returns information about all the user databases currently in use.



Switch Parameter

Detailed Description

Microsoft Communications Server 2010 employs the user database (also known as the user store) to maintain presence and routing information for Communications Server users. The Get-CsUserDatabaseState cmdlet provides a way for you to verify the current status (either online or offline) for any of the user databases currently in use in your organization.

Return Types

Get-CsUserDatabaseState returns instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Xds.UserStoreState object.


-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------

Copy Code

The command shown in Example 1 returns the online status of each user database configured for use in your organization.

-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------

Copy Code
Get-CsUserDatabaseState -Identity Redmond-UserStore-1

The command shown in Example 2 returns the online status of a single user database: the database with the Identity Redmnd-UserStore-1.

-------------------------- Example 3 ------------------------

Copy Code
Get-CsUserDatabaseState -RegistrarPool atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com

In Example 3, status information is returned for all the user databases located within the Registrar pool atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com.

-------------------------- Example 4 ------------------------

Copy Code
Get-CsUserDatabaseState | Where-Object {$_.Online -eq $True}

In the preceding example, information is returned for all the user databases that are currently online. To do this, the command first calls Get-CsUserDatabaseState without any parameters; that returns a collection of all the user databases in use in the organization. That collection is then piped to the Where-Object cmdlet, which picks out only those databases where the Online property is equal to (-eq) True ($True).