Enables you to modify the properties of an existing external access policy. External access policies determine whether or not your users can: 1) communicate with users who have SIP accounts with a federated organization; 2) communicate with users who have SIP accounts with a public instant messaging provider such as Windows Live; and, 3) access Microsoft Communications Server 2010 over the Internet, without having to log on to your internal network.
Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy [-Identity <XdsIdentity>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Description <String>] [-EnableFederationAccess <$true | $false>] [-EnableOutsideAccess <$true | $false>] [-EnablePublicCloudAccess <$true | $false>] [-EnablePublicCloudAudioVideoAccess <$true | $false>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] |
Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Description <String>] [-EnableFederationAccess <$true | $false>] [-EnableOutsideAccess <$true | $false>] [-EnablePublicCloudAccess <$true | $false>] [-EnablePublicCloudAudioVideoAccess <$true | $false>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-Instance <PSObject>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Identity |
Optional |
XdsIdentity |
Unique identifier for the external access policy to be modified. External access policies can be configured at the global, site, or per-user scopes. To modify the global policy use this syntax: -Identity global. To modify a site policy use syntax similar to this: -Identity site:Redmond. To modify a per-user policy use syntax similar to this: -Identity SalesAccessPolicy. If this parameter is not specified then the global policy will be modified. Note that wildcards are not allowed when specifying an Identity. |
Instance |
Optional |
ExternalAccessPolicyObject |
Allows you to pass a reference to an object to the cmdlet rather than set individual parameter values. |
EnableFederationAccess |
Optional |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the user is allowed to communicate with people who have SIP accounts with a federated organization. |
EnablePublicCloudAccess |
Optional |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the user is allowed to communicate with people who have SIP accounts with a public Internet connectivity provider such as Yahoo!, AOL, or Windows Live. |
EnablePublicCloudAudioVideoAccess |
Optional |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the user is allowed to conduct audio/video conversations with people who have SIP accounts with a public Internet connectivity provider such as Yahoo!, AOL, or Windows Live. |
EnableOutsideAccess |
Optional |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the user is allowed to connect to Communications Server 2010 over the Internet, without logging on to the organization’s internal network. |
Description |
Optional |
String |
Enables administrators to provide explanatory test to accompany the policy. For example, the Description might include information about the users the policy should be assigned to. |
Force |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Suppresses the display of any non-fatal error message that might arise when running the command. |
WhatIf |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command. |
Confirm |
Optional |
Switch Parameter |
Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command. |
Detailed Description
When you install Communications Server 2010 your users are only allowed to exchange instant messages and presence information among themselves: by default, they can only communicate with other people who have SIP accounts in your Active Directory. In addition, users are not allowed to access Communications Server 2010 over the Internet; instead, they must be logged on to your internal network before they will be able to log on to Communications Server 2010.
That might be sufficient to meet your communication needs. If it doesn’t meet your needs you can use external access policies to extend the ability of your users to communicate and collaborate. External access policies can grant (or revoke) the ability of your users to do any or all of the following:
Communicate with people who have SIP accounts with a federated organization. Note that enabling federation alone will not provide users with this capability. Instead, you must enable federation and then assign users an external access policy that gives them the right to communicate with federated users.
Communicate with people who have SIP accounts with a public instant messaging service such as AOL or Yahoo!.
Access Communications Server 2010 over the Internet, without having to first log on to your internal network. This enables your users to use Microsoft Communicator "14" and log on to Communications Server 2010 from an Internet café or other remote location.
After an external access policy has been created you can use the Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy cmdlet to change the property values of that policy. For example, by default the global policy does not allow users to communicate with people who have accounts with a federated organization. What if you would like to grant this capability to all of your users? One way to do that is to call Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy and set the value of the global policy’s EnableFederationAccess property to True.
Return Types
Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy does not return a value or object. Instead, the cmdlet configures instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WriteableConfig.Policy.ExternalAccess.ExternalAccessPolicy object.
-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------
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Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy -Identity RedmondExternalAccessPolicy -EnableFederationAccess $True |
The command shown in Example 1 modifies the external access policy that has the Identity RedmondExternalAccessPolicy. In this example, the command changes the value of the EnableFederationAccess property to True ($True).
-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------
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Get-CsExternalAccessPolicy | Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy -EnableFederationAccess $True |
In Example 2, federation access is enabled for all the external access policies configured for use in the organization. To do this, the command first calls Get-CsExternalAccessPolicy without any parameters; that returns a collection of all the external policies currently configured for use. That collection is then piped to Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy, which, in turn, changes the value of the EnableFederationAccess property for each policy in the collection.
-------------------------- Example 3 ------------------------
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Get-CsExternalAccessPolicy -Filter tag:* | Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy -EnableFederationAccess $True |
The preceding example enables federation access for all the external access policies that have been configured at the per-user scope. To carry out this task, the first thing the command does is use Get-CsExternalAcessPolicy and the -Filter parameter to return a collection of all the policies that have been configured at the per-user scope. (The filter value "tag:*" limits returned data to policies that have an Identity that begins with the string value "tag:". Any policy with an iIentity that begins with "tag:" has been configured at the per-user scope.) The filtered collection is then piped to Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy, which modifies the EnableFederationAccess property for each policy in the collection.
-------------------------- Example 4 ------------------------
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Get-CsExternalAccessPolicy | Where-Object {$_.EnablePublicCloudAccess -eq $True} | Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy -EnableFederationAccess $True |
In Example 4, federation access is enabled for all the external access policies that allow public cloud access. To do this, the command first uses Get-CsExternalAccessPolicy to return a collection of all the external access policies currently configured for use in the organization. This collection is then piped to the Where-Object cmdlet, which picks out only those policies where the EnablePublicCloudAccess property is equal to (-eq) true ($True). This filtered collection is then piped to Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy, which takes each policy and sets the EnableFederationAccess property to True. The net result: all external access policies that allow public cloud access will also allow federation access.