[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Modifies an existing network region. Network regions are the network hubs or backbones in the configuration of call admission control (CAC) and E911.


Set-CsNetworkRegion [-Identity <XdsGlobalRelativeIdentity>] [-AudioAlternatePath <$true | $false>] [-BWAlternatePaths <PSListModifier>] [-BypassID <String>] [-CentralSite <String>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Description <String>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-VideoAlternatePath <$true | $false>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]
Set-CsNetworkRegion [-AudioAlternatePath <$true | $false>] [-BWAlternatePaths <PSListModifier>] [-BypassID <String>] [-CentralSite <String>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Description <String>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-Instance <PSObject>] [-VideoAlternatePath <$true | $false>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]


Parameter Required Type Description




The unique identifier of the network region you want to modify. The Identity will be in the form of a string that uniquely identifies that region.




A list of objects that contain information about whether alternate connection paths are allowed if a media request is unable to complete along the preferred path (for example, if limits on that path have been exceeded). Alternate path objects must be of type Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WritableConfig.Settings.NetworkConfiguration.BWAlternatePathType. You can create objects of this type by calling the New-CsNetworkBWAlternatePath cmdlet.




A globally unique identifier (GUID). This GUID is used to map network regions to media bypass settings within a CAC or E911 network configuration. (Use this BypassID value in the call to New- CsNetworkMediaBypassConfiguration s.)

This parameter can be auto-generated when the region is created (by calling the New-CsNetworkRegion cmdlet). Changing this value is not recommended. If you do specify a value, it must be in the format of a GUID (for example, 3b24a047-dce6-48b2-9f20-9fbff17ed62a).




The data center site running the bandwidth policy service. This service must be enabled in order to use CAC. This service runs on the Front End Server or the Standard Edition Server.




Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.




A string that describes the region. This parameter can be used to provide a more descriptive explanation of what the region is for than can be expressed by the Identity alone.







A reference to a network region object. This object must be of type Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WritableConfig.Settings.NetworkConfiguration.NetworkRegionType and can be retrieved by calling Get-CsNetworkRegion.




Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

Detailed Description

A network region is the hub that associates a set of sites to a central site. The central site is the datacenter site on which the CAC bandwidth policy service is running. Use this cmdlet to modify an existing network region, including settings that determine whether alternate paths are allowed for audio and video connections and that associate the sites within the region with a media bypass configuration.

Return Types

This cmdlet does not return a value. It modifies an object of type Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WritableConfig.Settings.NetworkConfiguration.NetworkRegionType.


-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

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Set-CsNetworkRegion -Identity NorthAmerica -Description "North American Region"

In this example the network region named NorthAmerica is modified. The Description parameter is given a value of "North American Region." If a Description existed on the NorthAmerica region this command overwrites it with this value; if no Description had been set this command sets it.

-------------------------- Example 2 --------------------------

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$a = New-CsNetworkBWAlternatePath -BWPolicyModality "video" -AlternatePath $false
Set-CsNetworkRegion -Identity EMEA -BWAlternatePaths $a

This example modifies the network region named Europe and gives it new alternate path settings. The first line in the example calls the New-CsNetworkBWAlternatePath cmdlet to create a new alternate path. An alternate path has only two properties: BWPolicyModality, which must be set to either audio or video (video in this example); and AlternatePath, which must be either True or False (False [$false] in this example). We assign the output from this cmdlet - a reference to the alternate path object just created - to the variable $a.

In line 2 of this example we use this newly-created alternate path to modify the network region with the Identity EMEA. To do this we call New-CsNetworkRegion, passing an Identity of EMEA. We then we specify the BWAlternatePaths parameter, passing it the variable ($a) containing the alternate path object we just create.

-------------------------- Example 3 --------------------------

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$a = Get-CsNetworkRegion -Identity NorthAmerica
$a.BWAlternatePaths | foreach {Set-CsNetworkRegion -Identity Asia -BWAlternatePaths @{add=$_}}

Example 3 assigns the same set of alternate path settings to the Asia network region that have been set for the NorthAmerica region. The first line in this example retrieves an instance of the network region NorthAmerica and assigns it to variable $a. The second line begins by retrieving the contents of the BWAlternatePaths property or the NorthAmerica region (stored in variable $a): $a.BWAlternatePaths. This will be a collection of all the alternate path settings in the NorthAmerica region.

The next thing we do is pipe that collection of settings to foreach. Foreach will cycle through the collection one item at a time, performing the actions in the following curly braces. In this case the action is to call Set-CsNetworkRegion with an Identity of Asia: we’re setting the properties of the Asia region. The next parameter is BWAlternatePaths. We pass the value @{add=$_} to this parameter. The variable $_ represents the current item in the collection, in this case the current alternate path. The @{add=} portion of the value adds that item to the collection of BWAlternatePaths for the Asia region.