A call (represented in the Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 Core SDK as a Callsubclass) serves as a SIP signaling control, while a MediaProvidersubclass is the media counterpart that is responsible for SDP negotiation, as described in RFC 3264, An Offer/Answer Model with the Session Description Protocol (SDP). A MediaProvidersubclass also is responsible for creating and managing a media flow, which can be implemented in a MediaFlowsubclass. A MediaFlowsubclass implementation must provide the protocol implementation of the actual media exchange and customized behavior for exchanging media of a specific type. For more information, see Extending the MediaFlow Class.
A MediaProvidersubclass is responsible for creating the media flow (an instance of a MediaFlowsubclass) and making it available to the application. Generally, during offer/answer negotiation, the MediaProvidersubclass should create a new flow if one has not been created for a given context. The flow can then be made available to the application by the RaiseFlowConfigurationRequestedHandlermethod on the MediaProvidersubclass instance.
MediaProvider Class Abstract Property
A developer who creates a MediaProvidersubclass must provide a definition for only one MediaProviderproperty, SupportedMediaTypes. This property returns a list of the media types supported by the custom media provider, similar to the property of the same name on the Callclass.
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public abstract IEnumerable<string> SupportedMediaTypes { get; } |
Caution: |
Although the SupportedMediaTypesproperty on the MediaProviderclass and the property of the same name on the Callclass have the same name and purpose, their return types are different. |
MediaProvider Class Abstract Methods
In addition to the previously mentioned property, the developer must provide definitions for the following seven MediaProvidermethods.
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protected abstract IAsyncResult BeginGetAnswer(OfferAnswerContext offerAnswerContext, SdpOffer offer, AsyncCallback userCallback, object state); |
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protected abstract SdpAnswer EndGetAnswer(IAsyncResult result); |
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protected abstract IAsyncResult BeginGetOffer(OfferAnswerContext offerAnswerContext, Collection<SdpContentDescription> lastLocalOutgoingSdps, AsyncCallback userCallback, object state); |
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protected abstract SdpOffer EndGetOffer(IAsyncResult result); |
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protected abstract IAsyncResult BeginTerminateMedia(CallDialogContext callDialogContext, bool isTerminatingSignalingSession, AsyncCallback userCallback, object state); |
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protected abstract void EndTerminateMedia(IAsyncResult result); |
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protected abstract void SetAnswer(OfferAnswerContext context, SdpOffer originalOffer, SdpAnswer answer); |