Conference Audio Recording Server is a console application built from Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 Core SDK. It can be deployed as a trusted server application in any Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 production environment. The application has the following conferencing capabilities.


The system hosting this application must install:

  • The Text to Speech(TTS) engine—UCMASpeechRedist.msi.

  • One or more language packs—MSServerSpeechLangPack_enUS.msi is the language pack for U. S. English prompts.

  • OCSCore.msi

  • Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 Core Redist —UcmaRedist.msi.

In addition, a trusted service entry and at the least one contact object for the application must be created. ApplicationProvisioner.exe, which is shipped as part of the UCMA 2.0 Core SDK, (UcmaSdk.msi) can be used to create the trusted service entry and contact objects.


Conference Audio Recording Server has the following dependencies on external components:

  • Microsoft.Speech.dll—To play the welcome message (included in UcmaRedist.msi).

  • Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.dll—The UCMA 2.0 Core SDK library (included in UcmaRedist.msi).

  • ApplicationProvisioning.dll—Used for application provisioning purposes (included in UCMASdk.msi).

  • SIPEPS.dll—Used in conjunction with the UCMA library mentioned above (included in UcmaRedist.msi).

Creating a Trusted Service Entry and Contact Objects

The UCMA 2.0 Core SDK includes ApplicationProvisioner.exe, which can be used to create a trusted service entry and one or more contact objects for a trusted application. For more information about ApplicationProvisioner, see Using ApplicationProvisioner.

Configuration File

The configuration file for the Conference Audio Recording Server application, app.config, contains settings that are used when the application starts. All of the settings, except ApplicationName and CertificateIssuer, are configurable.

Copy Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<sectionGroup name="userSettings"
type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false"
	<setting name="UncDiskStorage" serializeAs="String">
	<setting name="ArchiveFolder" serializeAs="String">
	<setting name="WelcomePrompt" serializeAs="String">
		<value>Hi everyone, audio archiving server has joined
the conference. Recording starts now</value>
	<setting name="ApplicationName" serializeAs="String">
	<setting name="CertificateIssuer" serializeAs="String">
	<setting name="InstantMessagingSubject"
		<value>Conference Audio Recording Path

The following table describes the values to be set in the configuration file.

Setting name Description


The path of the directory in which the bot writes recorded audio content for the conference. The bot must be operating under an account that has write privileges to the directory.


Local folder name under HOMEDRIVE for temporary storage of recorded files.


Text that is fed into the speech engine to play the welcome prompt


The name of the application. This is the name that you provided to ApplicationProvisioner.exe when you created the trusted server entry.


The Common Trusted Certificate Issuer that issues certificates for your production environment.


The instant message text that is sent to all participants. The message text should include the path to the recorded file.