Applying KB982170 or using Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 Core SDK containing UcmaRedist.msi with a build number greater than 3.5.6907.170 differs from the previously released version of the UCMA SDK. These differences are shown in this document.

Support for the deployment of 64-bit UCMA applications

64-bit UCMA 2.0 Core applications can now be deployed on Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (64-bit Editions) and higher and Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit Editions).

Introduction of the default routing ApplicationEndpoint

The default routing endpoint enables an application to process incoming SIP requests that are received by a CollaborationPlatforminstance, that are not promptly dispatched to another ApplicationEndpointon the same CollaborationPlatform, based on the ApplicationEndpointowner or Conversationinformation matching the incoming request. Instead of being automatically declined by the CollaborationPlatform, such a received request is raised on the default routing ApplicationEndpoint, when one exists. This enables an application to process these requests.

Note that there can be at most one ApplicationEndpointthat is marked as the default routing endpoint for a given CollaborationPlatforminstance.

Typical usage: Instead of hanging up when a call is routed to a decommissioned service, an application has an opportunity to play an announcement back to the caller. Also, when used as the unique ApplicationEndpointfor the platform, the default routing endpoint is ideal for creating services that concurrently interoperate with remote SIP peers such as Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 or selected other IP-PBXs and SIP PSTN Gateways.

New API:

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public class ApplicationEndpoint : LocalEndpoint {
	public Boolean IsDefaultRoutingEndpoint { get; }
	public void SetProxyInformation(String proxyHost, Int32

public class ApplicationEndpointSettings : LocalEndpointSettings {
	public Boolean IsDefaultRoutingEndpoint { get; set; }

Introduction of support for SIP DNS load balancing

UCMA 2.0 Core SDK is now capable of load balancing outbound SIP requests to a next-hop proxy with multiple front ends using DNS A records. Note that this QFE does not support DNS load balancing for ICE connectivity check failover. A Microsoft Office Communications Server AudioVideoEdgeServer must still be fronted by a Hardware Load Balancer.

New API:

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public abstract class RealTimeConnectionManager : IDisposable {
	public Boolean DnsLoadBalancingDisabled { get; set; }

From a LocalEndpointimplementation the DnsLoadBalancingDisabledproperty can be accessed as in the following example.

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endpoint.InnerEndpoint.ConnectionManager.DnsLoadBalancingDisabled =

Introduction of a platform interoperability mode with SIP PSTN gateways and IP-PBXs for telephony scenarios

UCMA 2.0 Core SDK now provides first-class APIs to override the endpoint next-hop proxy on an AudioVideoCallestablishment basis. This enables an application to operate in SIP Peer-To-Peer mode with multiple SIP PSTN Gateways and IP-PBXs at the same time.

New API:

This QFE introduces a new ConnectionContextAPI that can be applied to outbound SIP Requests (page mode requests or calls).

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public class ApplicationEndpointSettings : LocalEndpointSettings {
	public ConnectionContext AudioVideoAuthorizationService { get;
set; }

public class CallEstablishOptions {
	public ConnectionContext ConnectionContext { get; set; }
	public String Transferor { get; set; }
public abstract class RealTimeEndpoint {
	public IAsyncResult BeginSendMessage(
							 MessageType messageType,
							 RealTimeAddress sessionTarget,
							 SendMessageOptions options,
							 AsyncCallback userCallback,
							 Object state);

public class SendMessageOptions {
	public ConnectionContext ConnectionContext { get; set; }
	public void SetLocalIdentity(String uri, String displayName);

public class SignalingSession {
	public IAsyncResult
BeginEstablish(SignalingSessionEstablishOptions options,
AsyncCallback userCallback, Object state);

public class SignalingSessionEstablishOptions {
	public ConnectionContext ConnectionContext { get; set; } 

UCMA 2.0 Core SDK also provides an API that can be used to authorize or decline an incoming connection manually, retrieve configuration data pertaining to a specific remote SIP Peer, and to persist this information in the associated RealTimeConnection. ApplicationContextprior to the AudioVideoCallreception being raised to the application.

New API:

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public abstract class RealTimeServerConnectionManager :
RealTimeConnectionManager, IDisposable {
	public event

public class ConnectionAuthorizationRequestedEventArgs : EventArgs
	public ConnectionAuthorizationAction Action { get; }
	public RealTimeConnection Connection { get; }

	public void Allow();
	public void DelayAuthorization();
	public void Deny();

public class ConnectionContext {
	public ConnectionContext(String host, Int32 port);

	public Int32 Port { get; }
	public String Host { get; }

A server TCP CollaborationPlatformis configured to enable voice interoperability with remote SIP peers and IP-PBXs. Note that Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 does not support trusted services using TCP.

A server MTLS CollaborationPlatformis configured to enable interoperability with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 proxies and endpoints. For interoperability with remote SIP peers of other types, such as IP-PBXs or SIP PSTN Gateways, the new TrustedDomainclass enables an application to specify arbitrary remote SIP peers.

New API:

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public class CollaborationPlatform {
	public Boolean AddTrustedDomain(TrustedDomain
	public ReadOnlyCollection<TrustedDomain>
	public Boolean RemoveTrustedDomain(TrustedDomain

	public event

public class ServerPlatformSettings : CollaborationPlatformSettings
	public Collection<TrustedDomain> TrustedDomains { get; }
	public TrustedDomainMode TrustedDomainModeForTcp { get; set; }

public class TrustedDomain {
	public TrustedDomain(String domainName);
	public TrustedDomain(String domainName, TrustedDomainMode

	public String DomainName { get; }
	public TrustedDomainMode DomainMode { get; }

public enum TrustedDomainMode {

Here are some of the details of the interoperability mode with remote SIP peers other than Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2.

  • ICE draft v6.0 and draft v19.0 support is disabled.

  • All “ms-” headers other than “ms-diagnostic” are filtered out of a message.

  • Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics are not published to the remote SIP peers but are consistently raised to the application when available.

  • Support for SDP-less INVITE and re-INVITE has been added, providing interoperability with third-party call controllers.

Support for diversion

This QFE enables application writers to find the first or last diversion prior to receiving an incoming call.

New API:

CallReceivedEventArgsis derived from the abstract CallReceivedEventArgsBaseclass, which in turn is derived from the InviteReceivedEventArgsclass, hence CallReceivedEventArgsexposes the same API as InviteReceivedEventArgs.

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public class CallReceivedEventArgs<TCall> :
CallReceivedEventARgsBase where TCall: Call {
	public TCall Call {get;}
	public TCall CallToBeReplaced {get;}

public abstract class InviteReceivedEventArgs :
SipRequestReceivedEventArgs {
	public DiversionContext DiversionContext { get; }

Enhanced call setup failure diagnostics and Quality of Experience

Quality of Experience metrics are raised to the application upon terminating an AudioVideoCallin which an AudioVideoFlowwas successfully established. The information pertaining to the Quality metrics is described in the following MSDN topic: .

An application developer can also monitor whether the media session was successfully established upon termination of an established AudioVideoCall. For failed media sessions, the developer can query diagnostic information pertinent to the media session failure in order to help logging and troubleshooting of connectivity issues with remote users.

New API:

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public class AudioVideoCall : Call {
	public event

public class MediaChannelEstablishmentData {
	public MediaChannelEstablishmentStatus EstablishmentStatus {
get; }

	public MediaChannelEstablishmentDiagnosticsReason

public enum MediaChannelEstablishmentDiagnosticsReason {

public class MediaTroubleshootingDataReportedEventArgs : EventArgs
	public Collection<MediaChannelEstablishmentData>
MediaChannelEstablishmentDataCollection { get; }
	public ContentDescription QualityOfExperienceContent { get; }

Support for sampling rate for both stream directions

This feature enables an application to specify the sampling rate in either stream direction (Send/Receive).

New API:

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public AudioSamplingRate
AudioChannelTemplate.ReceiveDirectionSamplingRate {get; set;}
public AudioSamplingRate
AudioChannelTemplate.SendDirectionSamplingRate {get; set;}

public AudioSamplingRate AudioChannel.SendDirectionSamplingRate
public AudioSamplingRate AudioChannel.ReceiveDirectionSamplingRate

Support for in-band fax tone detection (CNG 1100Hz)

This feature enables an application to detect when a fax tone is received from a remote peer. If the application has subscribed to the IncomingFaxDetectedevent on the ToneControllerclass, it can detect an incoming fax tone in either of the following situations.

  • in-band fax tone (CNG tone event in the RTP stream sent according to RFC 2833)

  • out-of-band fax tone (CNG tone is sent over the RTP event)

New API:

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public class IncomingFaxDetectedEventArgs : EventArgs {

public event EventHandler<IncomingingFaxDetectedEventArgs>

Support for Player playback speed

This feature enables an application to use a new property on the Playerclass to provide the capability to play back the WMA file at a different speed. An application can use the PlaybackSpeedproperty to develop an interface that gives the user more control in consuming the content. A message can be played back faster or slower depending on the PlaybackSpeedthat the application specifies.

New API:

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public PlaybackSpeed PlaybackSpeed {get; set;}

The PlaybackSpeedenumeration members range from Half(half the normal speed) to TwoTimes(twice the normal speed).

Improved Recorder

Several new APIs are introduced in this QFE in the Recorderclass to allow more complex scenarios to be developed.

An application can now use the Pausemethod to pause recording during a recording session. An application can use the Startmethod to resume recording from where the file was paused. Note that Startstarts recording from the beginning of the file if the Stopmethod previously was called.

New API:

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public void Pause();

A new enumeration value, Paused, has been added to the RecorderStateenumerated type.

An application can now use the VoiceActivityChangedevent to detect that the content is voice or not voice. With this information, an application can use these events to trim any unwanted silence in the recorded files by keeping track of the timeline of the events.

New API:

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public event EventHandler<VoiceActivityChangedEventArgs>
public class VoiceActivityChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {
	public bool IsVoice {get;}
	public TimeSpan TimeStamp {get;}

A new encoding file format is supported, that provides more options to the application for Recorderfile output. In addition to the already supported format of Windows Media Audio (WMA) at 16Kps, the following formats are also supported.

  • WMA48 – WMA at 48 Kbps

  • PCM8K - PCM at 8 KHz, 16 bits per sample

  • PCM16K – PCM at 16 KHz, 16 bits per sample

New API:

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public WmaEncodingFormat EncodingFormat {get; set;}
public enum WmaEncodingFormat {

Introduction of a downloadable run time for applications dependent only on UCMA 2.0 Core SDK (and not on UCMA 2.0 Windows Workflow Activities or UCMA 2.0 Speech SDK)

The downloadable run time is available at .

The updated pre-detection code for this patch containing the aforementioned APIs is as follows.

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	<!-- Gather information on the installed version of UCMA
Runtime 3.5 -->
	<Upgrade Id="{7CA5F91F-26AA-42f9-AB67-B85371B1D5E0}">
	<UpgradeVersion Minimum="3.5.6907.0" OnlyDetect="yes"
Secure="yes" >
Id="RegistrySearch_UCMA_Runtime_KB_Installed" Root="HKLM"
Type="raw" />

	<!-- Verify that the correct version of UCMA Runtime 3.5 is
installed and block installation if it is not -->
	<Condition Message="[ProductName] installation requires that
Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 Core Runtime
64-bit version 3.5.6907 and KB982170 are already installed.
Installation cannot continue.">