ApplicationProvision.dll contains the following public classes and enumerated types.
ContactChangedEventenumerated type
TrustedServiceChangedEventTypeenumerated type
Contact Class
The Contactclass is a wrapper for the Msft_SipApplicationContactSettingWMI class.
Public Methods
Method | Description | |
Equals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
GetHashCode |
(Inherited from Object.) |
Save |
Saves the WMI object. This method must be called after setting the property values to save the WMI object. |
ToString |
(Inherited from Object.) |
Public Properties
Property | Description |
DisplayName |
Gets or sets the contact’s display name. |
EnabledForFederation |
Gets or sets whether the contact is enabled for federation. |
EnabledForPublicNetwork |
Gets or sets whether the contact is enabled for public network connectivity. |
HomeServerFqdn |
Gets the contact’s home server. |
LineUri |
Gets or sets the contact’s phone URI. It should be formatted as described in RFC 3966, “The tel URI for Telephone Numbers.” |
SipUri |
Gets a contact’s unique URI. The URI must have the form “”. |
TrustedApplicationPool |
Gets the trusted application pool. |
ContactChangedEventArgs Class
Represents event args for the ContactChangedEventevent.
Public Properties
Property | Description |
ChangedProperties |
Gets a list of the contact properties that have changed. |
Contact |
Gets the contact. |
ContactChangedEventType |
Gets a value of the ContactChangedEventTypeenumerated type that describes the change. |
ContactChangedEvent Enumerated Type
Lists the types of events raised when a contact for the application is added, removed, or modified in WMI.
Value | Description |
ContactAdded |
A contact was added. |
ContactRemoved |
A contact was removed. |
ContactModified |
The properties of a contact were changed. |
TrustedApplicationPool Class
The TrustedApplicationPoolclass enables WMI objects to be created and used. These objects are needed by a trusted application. An instance of this class represents a single application pool. An application of a specific type can have multiple pools. Each trusted service and application contact in an application belongs to one application pool.
Public Methods
Method | Description |
AddApplicationContact |
Creates a contact object for the application. |
AddApplicationServer |
Provisions a server for a load-balanced application. |
CreateLoadBalancedApplicationPool |
Creates a load balanced application. |
CreateNonLoadBalancedApplicationPool |
Creates an application that will not be deployed with a load balancer. |
DeleteApplicationPool |
Deletes all of an applications contact objects and trusted service objects. |
DeleteContact |
Deletes the contact object from WMI. |
DeleteTrustedService |
Deletes the trusted service object from WMI. |
Dispose |
Implements the Disposemethod on the IDisposableinterface. |
GetApplication |
Gets the collection of TrustedApplicationobjects representing each pool for the application. |
GetApplicationPoolForLocalMachine |
Gets the application pool for the given type that contains the local server. |
GetApplicationPoolForServer |
Gets the application pool for the given type that contains the given server. |
GetAvailablePoolFqdns |
Gets the available Office Communications Server pools or Office Communications Server Standard Edition servers in the deployment. |
GetTrustedServiceForLocalMachine |
Gets the trusted service object for the local computer. |
GetTrustedServiceForServer |
Gets the trusted service object for a given server's FQDN. |
ToString |
(Inherited from Object.) |
Public Properties
Property | Description |
ApplicationServerTrustedServices |
Gets a list of the trusted service objects of the servers on which the application will be deployed. |
ApplicationType |
Gets the type of the application. Each application must have a unique type that will be common to all of its trusted service and contact objects. |
Contacts |
Gets a list of the contact objects for this application. |
IsLoadBalanced |
Gets whether the application has been provisioned for a load-balanced configuration. |
LoadBalancerTrustedService |
Gets the trusted service object of the load balancer. This property returns nullfor a non-load-balanced application. |
OcsPoolFqdn |
Gets the FQDN of the Office Communications Server pool on which the contact objects will be homed. |
Port |
Gets the port on which the application server or load balancer listens. The tool creates the trusted service objects for all servers and the load balancer using the same port. |
Version |
Gets the version of application. The tool creates the trusted service objects for all servers and the load balancer using the same version. |
Public Events
Event | Description |
ContactChangedEvent |
Raised when a contact in the application is added, removed, or modified. |
TrustedServiceChangedEvent |
Raised when a server is added to or removed from the application. If the last server in the application is removed, the application is considered to be removed. |
TrustedService Class
The TrustedServiceclass is a wrapper for the Msft_SipTrustedAddInSettingWMI class.
Public Methods
Method | Description |
Equals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
GetHashCode |
(Inherited from Object.) |
ToString |
(Inherited from Object.) |
Public Properties
Property | Description |
ApplicationType |
Gets the type of the application. Each application must have a unique type which will be common to all of its trusted service and contact objects. |
Fqdn |
Gets the FQDN of the application server or load balancer that is trusted. |
Gruu |
Gets the globally routable address of the trusted service. It is generated by the WMI provider when the trusted service is created. The application must retrieve the GRUU for the trusted service corresponding to the FQDN of the computer it is running on and must create the CollaborationPlatformobject based on that GRUU. |
Port |
Gets the port on which the application server or load balancer listens. The tool creates the trusted service objects for all servers and the load balancer using the same port. |
TrustedApplicationPool |
Gets the trusted application pool. |
Version |
Gets the version of application. The tool creates the trusted service objects for all servers and the load balancer using the same version. |
TrustedServiceChangedEventArgs Class
Represents event arguments for the TrustedServiceChangedEventevent.
Public Properties
Property | Description |
TrustedService |
Gets the trusted service. |
TrustedServiceChangedEventType |
Gets a value of the TrustedServiceChangedEventTypeenumeration that indicates the change that occurred. |
TrustedServiceChangedEventType Enumerated Type
Lists the types of events that are raised when a trusted service is added to or removed from WMI.
Value | Description |
TrustedServiceAdded |
A server is added to a load-balanced application. |
TrustedServiceRemoved |
A server is removed from a load-balanced application. |
ApplicationPoolRemoved |
The application pool is removed from WMI. |