To install UserGate Mail Server, run setup file and select the required options in the installation wizard. The installation will include all the selected components and an additional MS Visual C++ Redistributable package. All system services will be installed automatically, and the mail server will be launched after installation. The mail server default installation directory is "%Program files%\Entensys\UserGate Mail Server" (hereinafter, %UserGate Mail%).
If the mail server does not respond to primary services (SMTP, POP3 or IMAP) connection requests, check the administrator console port settings. By default, the mail server uses TCP port 2222 to communicate with the administrator console. .
Update and Uninstallation
We recommend you uninstall the previous version of UserGate Mail Server before installing the new one. If necessary, you can save server settings file "%UserGate Mail%\settings.xml" and statistics database. The backup copies of the statistics database are located in the "%UserGate Mail%\Backup" folder.
To uninstall UserGate, go to Start - Applications and select Uninstall in the application program directory. You may also uninstall the application from Add/Remove Programs menu in Control Panel. UserGate Mail Server will be removed, but server settings file (settings.xml), copies of the statistics database (Backup folder) and some other files will not be deleted from the program folder.