Topic Last Modified: 2006-04-21

The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool queries the Active Directory® directory service to determine the value for the msExchRoutingSMTPConnector attribute of each SMTP connector. If the Exchange Server Analyzer finds that the value for the msExchRoutingSMTPConnector attribute includes the string "Local:", the Exchange Server Analyzer displays a non-default configuration message. The presence of the string "Local:" indicates that the SMTP connector is scoped for local routing.

An SMTP connector designates an isolated route for mail. You can use SMTP connectors to establish a gateway for Internet mail or to connect to a specific domain or mail system. Connectors let you define specific options for the designated mail route.

Although you can send and receive Internet mail by using an SMTP virtual server, many organizations configure a dedicated SMTP connector for routing Internet mail. Use of an SMTP connector is recommended because it provides an isolated route for mail that is destined to the Internet. Additionally, more configuration options are available on an SMTP connector than on the SMTP virtual server.

The Exchange Server Analyzer displays the non-default configuration message for informational purposes only.

For more information about SMTP connectors, see the Exchange Server 2003 Transport and Routing Guide (