Topic Last Modified: 2007-07-30

The Microsoft Exchange Analyzer Tool queries the Active Directory directory service for the value of the following attributes on all objects with a class of ContentFilterConfig:

msExchAgentsFlags   The value of the msExchAgentsFlag attribute indicates the status of the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Content Filter agent and spam confidence level (SCL) reject action. When the Content Filter agent is enabled on a computer, the Content Filter agent filters all messages that come through all Receive connectors on that computer. The SCL Reject action, when enabled, sends a rejection response during the SMTP transaction for all messages that exceed the SCL reject threshold.

msExchMessageHygieneSCLRejectThreshold   The value of the msExchMessageHygieneSCLRejectThreshold attribute indicates the level that is set for the SCL Reject action. This value represents the SCL rating that a particular message must exceed for the Content Filter agent to reject the message and send a non-delivery report (NDR) to the sender.

The Exchange Analyzer also executes the following Exchange Management Shell cmdlet to query for all Hub Transport server roles that have the anti-spam agents installed:

Get-TransportServer | where { $_.AntispamAgentsEnabled -eq $True}

If the Exchange Analyzer finds that all of the following conditions exist for a server, the Exchange Analyzer displays a warning:

This warning indicates that although Content Filtering and the SCL Reject action are enabled, the SCL Reject action threshold is set to the default value of 9. This may cause rejection of messages that come from legitimate users. The recommended setting for the SCL Reject action threshold value is 7.

To address this warning, set the value of the SCL Reject action threshold to 7 using the Anti-spam tab in the Exchange Management Console or by using the Set-ContentFilterConfig cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell.

To configure the SCL Reject action threshold, follow the guidance in the "How to Enable and Configure the Spam Confidence Level Thresholds" ( topic in the Exchange Server 2007 product documentation.

For More Information

For more information about managing the anti-spam and antivirus features of Exchange Server 2007, see "Managing Anti-Spam and Antivirus Features" ( in the Exchange Server 2007 product documentation.