Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP2
Topic Last Modified: 2009-07-18

This topic provides information about how to troubleshoot issues that may occur in the following scenario:

When you create a contact in Outlook Web Access, and Spanish is set as the regional language, the contact name options are:

When you view a contact in Last, First view, you expect that names in Spanish are displayed with the paternal last name, the maternal last name, and then the first name. For example, you expect the name Pablo Rovira Diez to be listed as Rovira Diez, Pablo.

However, in Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1), when a contact is created in Outlook Web Access, and the regional language is set to Spanish, the mapping of the name fields is as follows:

Because of the way the Spanish name is mapped to English, the name does not appear as expected when a contact is saved and then viewed in Last, First view. For example, the name Pablo Rovira Diez is displayed as Diez, Pablo Rovira.

This behavior was changed in Exchange 2007 SP2. After you install Exchange 2007 SP2, the mapping of the name fields is changed as follows:

To obtain the correct name order for a name in Spanish, type the first name in the Nombre field, and then type the Maternal Last Name and the Paternal Last Name in the Apellidos field. For example, type Pablo in the Nombre field and then type Rovira Diez in the Apellidos field. The contact will appear as Rovira Diez, Pablo in Last, First view.

After you install Exchange 2007 SP2, the existing contacts in Outlook Web Access may have to be changed so that the names are in the correct field and are displayed in the correct order. Depending on how you populated the name fields in Outlook Web Access before you installed Exchange 2007 SP2, use one of the following workarounds to display the name correctly: