Topic Last Modified: 2007-01-09

The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool queries the Active Directory® directory service to determine whether the value for the msExchHomeServerName attribute on the journaling recipient object for a mailbox store matches the value for the legacyExchangeDN attribute for the local server. If the values of these attributes match, this indicates that journaling messages are copied to a mailbox on the server that has active journaling running against it. Because of the high volume of journaling traffic that can be generated, it is recommended that the journal recipient mailbox reside on a dedicated journaling server.

If the Exchange Server Analyzer finds that the values for the msExchHomeServerName attribute for the journaling recipient object matches the value for the legacyExchangeDN of the local server, the Exchange Server Analyzer displays a best practice message.

For more information about how to deploy a journaling solution with Exchange Server 2003, see Journaling with Exchange Server (

For more information about deploying a journaling solution with Exchange Server 2007, see Overview of Journaling (