The GroupChatServicestype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CategoryManagementServices An object which supports a variety of methods for managing chat rooms categories.
Public property ChatRoomManagementServices An object which supports a variety of methods for managing chat rooms.
Public property DomainName Gets the name of the domain for this server. The DomainName is determined by the SIP URI of the servers LookupServer account.
Public property Endpoint Gets the endpoint that this service object is tied to.
Public property RootCategoryUri Gets the Root Category URI. The Root Category is the single ChatRoomCategory which has no parent category, and from which all other chat rooms and chat room categories are inherited. Use this category as a starting point to explore the entire hierarchy of chat rooms and chat room categories.
Public property ServerConfiguration An object describing the server configuration.
Public property ServerTimeUtc Gets the server time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) when this endpoint was established. Use this value to compute time zone offsets between the server and the client for determining any shift in message timestamps that may exist due to small differences in the system clocks.
Public property UserAdministrationServices An object which supports a variety of methods for administering group chat users and groups.

See Also