An endpoint which is the basis for all communication with the Group Chat server. This endpoint represents a single connection to a single group chat server, using an existing LocalEndpointinstance.

The GroupChatEndpointtype exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method GroupChatEndpoint(Uri, LocalEndpoint) Initializes a new instance of the GroupChatEndpoint class.
Public method GroupChatEndpoint(Uri, LocalEndpoint, String) Initializes a new instance of the GroupChatEndpoint class for use by ASP.NET web applications in which the logging options can be configured through a web.config file.


  Name Description
Public property ActiveChatRoomSessions Gets a copy of the collection of currently active ChatRoomSession instances. Only those sessions which have successfully joined a chat room are included in the collection of ActiveChatRoomSessions . This property returns copy of the endpoint's collection. To access a single active ChatRoomSession by name, without incurring this overhead, use the indexer (see Item [ ( [ ( String ] ) ] ) ).
Public property GroupChatServices An object which provides access to a wide variety of group chat features and services. All administrative functionality and client services, with the exception of establishing a ChatRoomSession , are exposed through this object.
Public property InnerEndpoint Gets the inner endpoint which provides a conduit for delivery of messages between this client and the group chat servers.
Public property Item [ ( [ ( String ] ) ] ) Gets an active ChatRoomSession with the specified name. The name is not case sensitive.
Public property Item [ ( [ ( Uri ] ) ] ) Gets an active ChatRoomSession with the specified URI.
Public property State Gets a value indicating whether this endpoint is connected to a Group Chat server.


  Name Description
Public method BeginEstablish Establish a connection with the Group Chat server.
Public method BeginTerminate Terminate an established connection with the Group Chat server, and clean up all resources associated with the connection.
Public method EndEstablish Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginEstablish(AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method EndTerminate Completes the asynchronous request initiated by BeginTerminate(AsyncCallback, Object) .
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Public event ChatRoomInvitationReceived Occurs when a chat room invitation is received.
Public event ConnectionStateChanged Occurs when the connection state of this endpoint changes.

See Also