The following procedure describes how to install Web Conferencing Server.

To install Web Conferencing Server

  1. Install Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package.


  2. Install Web Conferencing Server.

    datamcu.msi /qr

  3. Activate Web Conferencing Server.

    LCSCmd.exe /MCU /Action:Activate /Role:DATAMCU /PoolName:<pool name> /Password:<Account Password> [/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN>] [/PDCRequired[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/GlobalSettingsDC:<FQDN of a global settings domain controller>] [/DC:<domain controller FQDN>] [/GC:<Global Catalog FQDN>] [/Global:{Configuration | System}] [/User:<Account Name>] [/NoStart[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/Force[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/L:<log file path>] [/XML[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/?[:{TRUE|FALSE}]]

    Here is the same command with sample data.

    LCSCmd.exe /MCU /Action:Activate /Role:DATAMCU /PoolName:Pool01 /Password:p@ssw0rd

  4. Assign a certificate to the Web Conferencing Server. For details, see Assigning Certificates (Command Line).

  5. Start the Web Conferencing service.

    net start RTCDATAMCU