The LCSCmd.execommand provides the Diagaction to check the health and status of servers within an Office Communications Server environment.

Here is a sample syntax to run the Diagaction.

Copy Code
LCSCmd.exe /<context>[:<Server FQDN>] /Role:{SE | EE |
Proxy | WorkgroupProxy | AP} /Action:Diag
/DiagnosticLevel[:<bitmask that selects the diagnostic subtasks
to run>] [/UserUri1:<User Name for first enterprise
user.>] [/UserAccount1:<Sign-in account of the first
enterprise user.>] [/UserPassword1:<Password of the first
enterprise user.>] [/UserPool1:<Server or Pool FQDN to use
for the first enterprise user.>] [/UserUri2:<User name for
second enterprise user.>] [/UserAccount2:<Sign-in account of
the second enterprise user.>] [/UserPassword2:<Password of
the second enterprise user.>] [/UserPool2:<Server or Pool
FQDN to use for the second enterprise user.>]
[/FederatedUserUris:<Semicolon separated list of federated user
URIs to check for connectivity.>]

Such as:

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LCSCmd.exe /Server /Role:EE /Action:Diag /diagnosticlevel


Parameter Description


Executes the action for the specified computer. If no FQDN is specified, the current computer is used.


Specifies the role of the server. (Applies to Server context.)


Takes a string that specifies the action name.


Specifies the reference domain FQDN.


Specifies the global setting location.


Specifies the FQDN of the domain where Office Communications Server universal groups are located.


Specifies the user URI (For instance, Required for logon and IM tests.


Specifies the sign-in name (For instance, or\alice). Required for logon and IM tests.


Specifies the user password. Required for logon and IM tests.


Specifies the target server to use. If not specified, the pool of the local computer will be used.


Specifies the user URI (For instance, Required for logon and IM tests.


Specifies the sign-in account (For instance, or\bob). Required for logon and IM tests.


Specifies the user password. Required for logon and IM tests.


Specifies the target server to use. If not specified, the pool of the local computer will be used.


Specifies a list of federated user URIs to probe delimited by semi-colon (for example,;


Specifies the log file path. If not specified, %TEMP%\<ActionName>[<Date>][<Time>].html is used. To disable logging, use a dash character (-) as the log file name.


Specifies whether the log file to be generated should be in XML format instead of HTML.


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