[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Milestone-Ready]

Topic Last Modified: 2010-07-12

After you configure dial-in conferencing and test to verify that it is functioning properly, you should set initial personal identification numbers (PINs) for users and notify users about the availability of the feature, including introductory instructions such as the initial PIN and the link to the Dial-in Conferencing Settings Web page. This step is optional. Typically, you use the Set-CsClientPin cmdlet to reset PINs, but you can use the procedure in this topic the first time if you want to send a welcome email with the information. If you do not want to send the email, you can use Set-CsClientPin instead.

You can use the Set-CsPinSendCAWelcomeMail cmdlet to set the PIN and send a welcome email to a single user. By default, the cmdlet does not reset a PIN if it is already set, but you can use the -Force parameter to force reset a PIN. The email message is sent using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

You can create a script that runs the cmdlet iteratively to set PINs and send email to a group of users. You can modify the email template (CAWelcomeEmailTemplate.html) to add more links to intranet pages or modify the email text.

For more details about using this cmdlet, see [link will be added when available].

To set an initial PIN and send welcome email

  1. Open Communications Server Management Shell.

  2. Run:

    Copy Code
    Set-CsPinSendCAWelcomeMail -UserUri <user identifier> `
    -From <email address of sender> -Subject <subject for email message> `
    [-UserEmailAddress <destination email address>] `
    [-Cc <email address of recipients who receive copy of email>] `
    [-Bcc <email address of recipients who receive blind copies>] `
    [-TemplatePath <path for email template>] `
    [-SmtpServer] <SMTP server name>] `
    [-BodyAsPlainText] [-UseSsl]`
    [-Pin <new numeric PIN>] [-Force] `
    [-Credential <user account that has permission for this script>]

    For example:

    Copy Code
    SetCsPinSendCAWelcomeMail -UserUri "bob@contoso.com" `
    -From marco@contoso.com -Subject "Welcome to dial-in conferencing"

    This example creates a new PIN and then sends a welcome email from Marco to Bob. It uses the email text from the default template and creates the email message in HTML format.

    Another example:

    Copy Code
    SetCsPinSendCAWelcomeMail -UserUri “bob@contoso.com" `
    -From “marco@contoso.com -Subject "Welcome to dial-in conferencing" `
    -Pin "383042650 -Force ` 
    - Credential domain01\admin01 -UseSsl

    This example forces a new PIN with a value of "383042650" for Bob, even though Bob had an existing PIN, and then sends a welcome email from Marco to Bob. Because the Credential parameter is specified, the person running the command is prompted to enter the password for domain\01admin01. The email is sent of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).