[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Removes an existing conference directory. Conference directories are used to help dial-in conferencing users locate Web conference information.


Remove-CsConferenceDirectory -Identity <XdsGlobalRelativeIdentity> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]


Parameter Required Type Description



Xds Identity

Numeric identity of the conference directory to be removed.



Switch Parameter

When present, removes the conference directory even if the pool that hosts the directory is currently unavailable. By default, Remove-CsConferenceDirectory will not remove directories if the corresponding pool cannot be contacted.



Switch Parameter

Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.



Switch Parameter

Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

Detailed Description

When you create a dial-in conferencing URI, those URIs are assigned a unique SIP address. However, SIP addresses are difficult to translate to devices that are not SIP-aware; for example, a SIP address means nothing to a PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) telephone. Because of that, Communications Server uses conference directories as a way to help these devices locate, and connect to, dial-in conferences. This is done by creating a SIP conference directory that is associated with each dial-in conferencing URI, and is identified by an integer value rather than a SIP URI. PSTN telephones and other devices can then use these numbers (rather than a SIP URI) when they connect to conferences; in fact, the directory number is included in the PSTN conference identitification users enter when connecting to a dial-in conference.

Conference directories are created using the new-CsConferenceDirectory cmdlet. At some point in time you might need to delete one or more of these directories; for example, you might need to decommission the pool where the directories were hosted. Conference directories can be removed by calling the Remove-CsConferenceDirectory cmdlet. Note that, if you simply need to move a directory from one pool to another, you can do so by calling the Move-CsConferenceDirectory cmdlet.

Return Types

Removes-CsConferenceDirectory deletes instances of the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WriteableConfig.Settings.PstnConf.ConferenceDirectories object.


-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------

Copy Code
Remove-CsConferenceDirectory -Identity 2

The command show in Example 1 deletes the conference directory with the Identity 2.

-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------

Copy Code
Get-CsConferenceDirectory | Where-Object {$_.ServiceID -eq "UserServer:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com"} | Remove-CsConferenceDirectory

The preceding command deletes all the conference directories found on the UserServer:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com. To do this, the command first calls Get-CsConferenceDirectory without any parameters; that returns a collection of all the conference directories currently in use in the organization. This collection is then piped to the Where-Object cmdlet, which picks out only those directories hosted on the service UserServer:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com. In turn, that filtered collection is then piped to, and deleted by, the Remove-CsConferenceDirectory cmdlet.