Public Properties

  Name Description
AbsoluteUri Gets the absolute URI.
Authority Gets the authority.
GridUriParameter Gets or sets the grid parameter in Uri.
Host Gets or sets the host part of the URI.
HostAndPort Gets or sets the host and port together.
HostNameType Gets the host name type.
IsGruuUri Gets or sets the gruu parameter in Uri.
IsLooseRouter Gets or sets the loose router parameter (lr).
IsPortSet Gets whether the port is set.
IsUniversalNamingConvention Gets the Boolean value indicating whether the path is in Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format.
MethodParameter Gets or sets the method parameter (method).
MulticastAddressParameter Gets or sets the multicast address parameter (maddr).
OpaquePart Gets the opaque part of URI.
OpaqueUriParameter Gets or sets OpaqueUriParameter for URI.
Password Gets or sets the password.
Port Gets and sets the port number.
Query Gets or sets the query of the absolute URI.
Scheme Gets or sets the URI scheme as a string.
TimeToLiveParameter Gets or sets the time to live (TTL) parameter (ttl).
TransportParameter Gets or sets the value of the transport parameter (transport).
User Gets or sets the User URI.
UserAtHost Gets the 'user@host' part of the URI.
UserInfo Gets or sets the user and password with '@' suffix.
UserParameter Gets or sets the user parameter (user).

See Also