Public Properties

  Name Description
ConnectionThrottlingHighMark Gets or sets the high water mark for all connections.
ConnectionThrottlingLowMark Gets or sets the low water mark for all connections.
EnableAuthProtocolV3 Gets or sets the flag that controls negotiation of authentication protocol v3.
EndpointsCount Gets the number of endpoints currently supported by this manager.
LocalCertificateIssuerName Gets the issuer of the local certificate used.
LocalHostName Gets the fully qualified local host name.
MaxHeaderNameLength Gets or sets the maximum length for SignalingHeader.Name.
MaxHeaderValueLength Gets or sets the maximum length for SignalingHeader.Value.
MaxMessageBodyLength Gets or sets the maximum length of the message body in a SIP message.
MaxParameterCount Gets or sets the maximum number of parameters allowed in a signaling header or URI.
StrictDispatching Gets or sets whether incoming messages are routed to the hosted endpoints by this connection manager.

See Also