Sample name: SubscribePresence

Sample location: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2\UCMA SDK 2.0\UCMACore\Sample Applications\Collaboration\QuickStarts\SubscribePresence


The application initializes the platform and endpoint and subscribes to a target user. Throughout the process, it listens for incoming notifications and reflects the updated state in the console.


  • Presence subscription


  • Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2.

  • Two users capable of sending and receiving audio calls.

  • The credentials for each user, and a client capable of signing in to Office Communications Server.

  • A client signed in to Office Communications Server.

Running the Sample

  1. Replace the credentials in the configuration file with the credentials and server of the users from your Office Communications Server topology.

  2. Substitute the address of the subscribed user in the configuration file with the address of a valid user. Log in the other user using Office Communicator.

  3. Open the project in Microsoft Visual Studio, and then press F5.

  4. Send an instant message to the user whose credentials the endpoint is using.

  5. From Office Communicator, change the presence of the user.