Enumerates the modality actions.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation
Assembly:  Microsoft.Lync.Model(in Microsoft.Lync.Model.dll)




Member name Value Description
Connect 0
Connect to the conversation with a modality.
Disconnect 1
Disconnect a modality from the conversation.
SetProperty 2
Set a conversation modality property.
Hold 3
Put a conversation modality on hold.
Retrieve 4
Retrieve a conversation modality.
Forward 5
Forward a conversation modality.
RemoteTransfer 6
Transfer a conversation modality.
ConsultAndTransfer 7
Transfer a conversation modality into another existing conversation.
SendInstantMessage 8
Send an instant message.
SetIsTyping 9
Set the instant message composing flag. This indicates that an instant message is being typed.
SetAudioEndpoint 10
Set the local endpoint for audio.
Accept 11
Accept the modality invitation.
Reject 12
Reject the modality invitation.
LocalTransfer 13
Transfer the local participant to another endpoint.
Invalid -1

See Also