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Moderate Newsgroups

You can control which articles are posted to a newsgroup by assigning a moderator to the newsgroup. Articles submitted to a moderated newsgroup are not posted until the moderator approves them. To create a moderated newsgroup, you can choose a moderator when you create a newsgroup, or you can assign a moderator to an existing newsgroup. To allow a newsgroup to be moderated, you must configure both the NNTP server and the newsgroup.

To assign a moderator to an existing newsgroup:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to NNTP.


    1. Server
    2. Protocols
    3. NNTP
  3. Right-click an NNTP virtual server, and then click Properties.
  4. On the Settings tab, in SMTP server for moderated groups, either type the DNS name or IP address of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server, or type the path to the directory in which articles are stored until moderators approve them.

    Note   The directory path must be a local directory. You should normally set this value to the pickup directory of the SMTP server. By default, this directory is \Inetpub\Mailroot\Pickup.

  5. To post messages to the newsgroup if no moderator is specified, in Default moderator domain, type the e-mail address of the newsgroup.

    Note   Articles are sent to newsgroup_name@default_domain.com, in which newsgroup_name is the name of the newsgroup; for example, articles posted to the newsgroup rec.sports.tennis, with a default domain of nwtraders.microsoft.com, are sent to rec-sports-tennis@nwtraders.microsoft.com.

  6. To save the server settings, click OK.
  7. In the console tree, expand the NNTP virtual server, and then click Newsgroups.
  8. Right-click the newsgroup to which you want to assign a moderator, and then click Properties.
  9. On the General tab, select Moderated.
  10. In Moderator, type in the e-mail address of a Windows 2000 user or click Set Default to send messages to an alias with the same name as the newsgroup.