Topic Last Modified: 2007-02-15
The Microsoft Exchange Analyzer Tool queries the Win32_NTLogEvent Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class to determine whether an Event 2000, Event 2019, or Event 2020 error has been logged for the SRV (server) or NCP Server source within the last 24 hours.
- An SRV (server) Event ID 2000 indicates a server's call to a
system service failed unexpectedly due to a general system kernel
memory depletion.
- An SRV Event ID 2019 indicates a depletion of the system
non-paged pool memory.
- An SRV Event ID 2020 indicates a depletion of the system paged
pool memory.
If the Exchange Analyzer finds that one or more of these events has been logged within the last 24 hours, the Exchange Analyzer displays an error.
This warning indicates that the server's kernel memory is depleted and the server may be experiencing performance issues.
Microsoft Windows kernel memory consists of several memory structures, including paged and non-paged pool memory and system page table entries. These memory structures, also referred to as kernel memory, are used by the operating system to provide an environment for applications such as Exchange.
To address this issue, follow the guidance of the issue-specific Exchange Analyzer articles listed below:
- Improve
Kernel Memory
- Paged pool
is over the warning threshold
- Nonpaged
Pool is over the warning threshold
- Nonpaged
Pool is over the error threshold
In general, to maintain a healthy Exchange deployment, make sure that you regularly monitor the Exchange Server's kernel memory.
For More Information
For more information about SRV Events 2000, 2019, or 2020 see the "Events and Errors Message Center: Event Details"
- SRV Event ID 2000
- SRV Event ID 2019
- SRV Event ID 2020
For more information about optimizing memory for Exchange Server, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
- 912376, "How to monitor and troubleshoot the use of paged pool
memory in Exchange Server 2003 or in Exchange 2000 Server"
- 815372, "How to optimize memory usage in Exchange
Server 2003" (
- 894067, "The Performance tool does not accurately show the
available Free System Page Table entries in Windows Server 2003"
- 311901, "The effects of 4GT tuning on System Page Table
Entries" (
- 912376, "How to monitor and troubleshoot the use of paged pool
memory in Exchange Server 2003 or in Exchange 2000 Server"