Topic Last Modified: 2008-11-03
The Microsoft Exchange Server Analyzer tool queries the Active Directory directory service to determine the schema version information for Exchange. Specifically, the Exchange Server Analyzer examines the following Active Directory object to determine the current value for the rangeUpper attribute:
A rangeUpper value of 4397 indicates that Exchange 2000 Server is installed.
A rangeUpper value of 6870 indicates that Exchange Server 2003 is installed.
A rangeUpper value of 10637 indicates that Exchange Server 2007 is installed.
A rangeUpper value of 11116 indicates that Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is installed.
If the Exchange Server Analyzer finds any other value for rangeUpper, an error is displayed.
The rangeUpper value is entered by Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003 during the ForestPrep process. A value other than 4397, 6870, or 10637 typically indicates that a beta or pre-release version of Exchange was used to perform ForestPrep or, in the case of Exchange Server 2007, PrepareDomain.
To resolve this problem for Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003, rerun the ForestPrep process using the release version of Exchange that is installed in your environment. For Exchange Server 2007, rerun PrepareSchema using the release version of Exchange that is installed in your environment. You must run ForestPrep or PrepareSchema while logged on with an account that has a minimum of the following rights:
- Enterprise Administrator
- Schema Administrator
- Domain Administrator
- Local Machine Administrator (if running on member server
To correct this error for Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003
Run setup.exe /forestprep.
Verify that the ForestPrep process has completed successfully.
To correct this error for Exchange Server 2007
Run setup.exe /PrepareSchema.
Verify that the PrepareSchema process has completed successfully.
For details about how to install Exchange and perform the PrepareSchema process, see the following product documentation:
- "How to Prepare Active Directory and Domains"
For details about how to install Exchange and perform the ForestPrep process, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
- 312371, "HOW TO: Prepare the Forest by Using ForestPrep in
Exchange 2000 Server" (
This article applies to both Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange
Server 2003.
- 274737, "How to Verify That ForestPrep and DomainPrep Completed
Successfully in Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange
Server 2003" (
- 828765, "Permissions that you must have to install components
in Exchange Server 2003" (