Topic Last Modified: 2006-05-17

The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool queries the Win32_PingStatus Microsoft Windows® Management Instrumentation (WMI) class using various, specific BufferSize and NoFragmentation setting values to determine whether black hole routers might be present in the WAN environment.

BufferSize Setting NoFragmentation Setting











The Exchange Server Analyzer displays an error, if the following conditions are true:

This error indicates the possible presence of one or more black hole routers on the wide area network (WAN).

On a TCP/IP WAN, communication over some routes may fail if the following conditions are true:

Alternatively, the firewall on the path may drop such responses. A router that causes this condition is sometimes known as a black hole router.

The presence of a black hole router can cause a variety of errors that do not occur if a program connects to a computer on a local subnet. The behavior may seem intermittent, but you will find that the behavior can be reproduced, for example, by having a client read a large file that is sent from a remote host.

For more information, follow the guidance in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 314825, "How to Troubleshoot Black Hole Router Issues" (

For More Information

For more information about detecting and treating possible black hole routers, see the following resources: