Topic Last Modified: 2006-10-04
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool queries the ExchangeLink Microsoft Windows® Management Instrumentation (WMI) class to determine the value of the TypeCurrentlyUnreachable, LinkName, and NumberofMessages properties for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) queues on a server.
The TypeCurrentlyUnreachable property, when True, specifies that the link (Exchange queue) holds messages for destinations that currently cannot be reached.
The LinkName property specifies the name of the link.
The NumberOfMessages property specifies the number of messages that are waiting for transmission across the link.
If the Exchange Server Analyzer determines that the Messages with an unreachable destination SMTP queue contains any messages, the Exchange Server Analyzer displays an error.
This error indicates that there are messages in the queue that cannot reach the intended destination server. For example, Exchange cannot determine a route or a connector to the final destination. Alternatively, all available routes or connectors are marked as down.
To address this error, take the following steps:
- Determine whether the messages in the Messages with an
unreachable destination queue are legitimate.
- Review the error guidance and links provided by the Exchange
Server Analyzer.
- Follow the guidance in "For More Information" later in this
For More Information
For more information about how to troubleshoot SMTP queues, see the following Exchange resources:
- "Troubleshooting Mail Flow and SMTP" in the Exchange Server
Transport and Routing Guide (
- Microsoft Knowledge Base article 823489, "How to use Queue
Viewer to troubleshoot mail flow issues in Exchange
Server 2003" (