Topic Last Modified: 2007-01-23

Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 setup cannot continue because the Uninstall Mailbox Server role process cannot remove the public folder database from the local server without potential data loss.

Exchange 2007 setup requires that the public folder database be removed from the server before the Mailbox Server role is removed.

Public folder replicas might remain on the server or the public folder database might be the last in the Exchange organization.

To resolve this issue, move or delete the public folder database on the server and rerun Exchange Server 2007 setup.

For more information about removing public folder databases in Exchange Server 2007, see "How to Remove a Public Folder Database" ( in the Exchange Server 2007 product documentation.

For more information about how to manage public folder database stores or replicas, see Managing Mailbox Stores and Public Folder Stores in the "Administration Guide for Exchange Server 2003" (