Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-06
Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 setup displays this warning because its attempt to install the Gateway Server role detected an older version of the Active Directory® Application Mode (ADAM) on the current server.
ADAM is a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service that is designed specifically for use with directory-enabled applications. ADAM stores and replicates only application-specific information and does not require deployment on a domain controller or depend on the Active Directory service. ADAM does not provide network operating system authentication or authorization.
In Exchange 2007, the gateway server uses ADAM to store configuration information. When ADAM is synchronized with Active Directory, it can also be used to perform recipient lookup for message security.
Exchange 2007 setup will automatically upgrade the ADAM install to the Service Pack 1 (SP1) version.
No action is necessary unless you do not want to upgrade ADAM. In that case you should not install the Gateway Server role on the local computer.