Topic Last Modified: 2005-11-18

The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool tries to send a message to the Postmaster account for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) domain by performing the following tasks:

If the Exchange Server Analyzer cannot successfully complete all steps, an error is displayed. The error indicates that there may be a general mail flow issue. The following links are listed in the order in which you should troubleshoot, starting at the server level and working out to the network level.

To correct this error

  1. See "Troubleshooting Routing" in the Exchange Server 2003 Transport and Routing Guide (

  2. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 324867, "Support WebCast: Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server: Troubleshooting Mail Flow Problems (Revisited)" (

  3. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 823489, "How to Use Queue Viewer to Troubleshoot Mail Flow Issues" (

  4. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 324759, "Support WebCast: Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server: DNS Troubleshooting in Transports" (

For more information about the Postmaster account in Exchange Server, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles: