Topic Last Modified: 2007-03-28
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 setup cannot continue because its attempt to upgrade the server encountered a module access issue.
Exchange 2007 setup requires that certain modules not be running so that the upgrade can modify the binary files. The Esm.dll file is one such module.
To resolve this issue, unload the processes that have Esm.dll open, and then rerun Exchange 2007 setup.
To stop the process that has Esm.dll open-
Start the Exchange Management Shell
Use the Get-Process cmdlet to find the process ID for the processes that the Exchange Analyzer has identified.
Get-Process <
process name>
Use the Stop-Process cmdlet to stop the process.
Stop-Process <
process ID>
Where <process ID> is the process ID value returned from the Get-Process cmdlet in step 2 here.
For more information about the Get-Process cmdlet, see Using the Get-Process Cmdlet in the "What Can I Do With Windows PowerShell?" topic.