This topic explains how to migrate Internet mailboxes to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
Before You Begin
Before you perform this procedure, you must import a list of Internet mailboxes. For more information, see How to Import a List of Mailboxes to Migrate.
To migrate mailboxes
In the console tree of the Transporter Management Console, click Mailboxes Ready for Migration.
In the result pane, select the mailboxes that you want to migrate.
In the action pane, click Migrate Selected Mailboxes…. This opens the Internet E-Mail Mailbox Migration Wizard.
On the Select Mailbox Type page, select a mailbox type, and then click Next. If you are using an unsecured connection, select the Allow copying Internet mailbox contents over an unsecure connection check box. To designate a Client Access Server, select the Specify Client Access Server check box, click Browse, select the Client Access Server, and then click OK.
On the Select IMAP Folder Mapping page, select an IMAP folder mapping, and then click Next. You can use the default folder mapping or you can use a custom folder mapping. For more information, see Folder Map and How to Create a Custom Folder Map.
On the IMAP Authentication page, provide the appropriate authentication credentials, and then click Next.
On the Select Date Range page, provide a date range for the e-mail messages to be migrated, or select All e-mail to migrate all e-mail messages, and then click Next.
On the Review Mailboxes page, verify the migration information that you provided, and then click Migrate.
On the Migration Complete page, click Finish.