Adding Lotus Notes users to Active Directory directory service ensures that the Lotus Notes users' e-mail addresses are listed in the Exchange Global Address List (GAL). This simplifies e-mail addressing for the Microsoft Office Outlook users when they want to send mail to people who are still on the Lotus Notes e-mail platform. In addition, to grant access to Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services sites, the users must have Active Directory accounts.
The user migration process extracts information from the Domino Directory and migrates that information into existing or new Active Directory accounts. The Internet address and hierarchical name in the user's Domino Person document is used to match Domino users to Active Directory accounts.
Note: |
This process must be performed prior to migrating mail to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and it should be performed before migrating applications to Windows SharePoint Services. |
Exchange mailboxes can optionally be created for users when they are migrated to Active Directory. If the option to create a mailbox is selected, the user's Active Directory account is mailbox-enabled. If the mailbox is not created when the user is migrated, the Active Directory account will not be mailbox-enabled until the user's mail database is migrated to Exchange 2007.
User Migration and Active Directory Forests
To migrate users to multiple Active Directory forests, run user migration separately in each forest. When mailbox accounts are created in Active Directory, the accounts are created in the current forest.
Matching Lotus Domino Users to Active Directory Accounts
When matching Lotus Domino users to Active Directory accounts, Users, Mail Users, Mailbox Users, and Contacts are considered for matches. New accounts are created as Mail Users or Mailbox Users. A hard match is found when a Domino Directory user's SMTP address matches a proxy address in an Active Directory account. To override a hard match, remove the proxy addresses from the account in Active Directory.