You might need to remove an Enterprise pool as part of a change to your environment. For example, to change a pool name, you move users out of the current pool, deactivate all server roles in the pool, remove the pool, create a new pool, activate servers to associate them with the new pool, and then move users to the new pool. When removing a pool, you have the following options:

To remove an Enterprise pool

Use the procedures described in this section to remove an Enterprise pool:

  1. Open Office Communications Server 2007 R2.

  2. In the console tree, expand the Forestnode, and then expand Enterprise pools.

  3. Right-click the Enterprise pool that you want to remove, and then click Remove Pool.

  4. In the Remove Enterprise Pool Wizard, specify the following:

    • Whether to keep the user database. Keeping the database preserves existing user contacts, groups, and ACEs.

    • Whether to force removal of the Enterprise pool. Forcing removal dissociates any existing end users from the pool and disables any existing servers in the Enterprise pool.

To remove a Web Components Server, you may have to manually remove permissions. During installation, Full Control permissions are granted to the RTC Component Local Group account for the Web and Non-Web folders. If these folders contain any files or subfolders, the permissions remain after you remove the Web Components Server. To remove the permissions from the folders, you can use the Securitytab of the Propertiesdialog box for each folder. By default, these folders are installed at the following locations:

%programfiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2\Web Components\Data MCU Web\Non-Web

%programfiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2\Web Components\Data MCU Web\Web