Here is a sample syntax to run the
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LCSCmd.exe /<context>[:<Server FQDN>] /Role:{SE | EE | Proxy | WorkgroupProxy | AP} /Action:Diag /DiagnosticLevel[:<bitmask that selects the diagnostic subtasks to run>] [/UserUri1:<User Name for first enterprise user.>] [/UserAccount1:<Sign-in account of the first enterprise user.>] [/UserPassword1:<Password of the first enterprise user.>] [/UserPool1:<Server or Pool FQDN to use for the first enterprise user.>] [/UserUri2:<User name for second enterprise user.>] [/UserAccount2:<Sign-in account of the second enterprise user.>] [/UserPassword2:<Password of the second enterprise user.>] [/UserPool2:<Server or Pool FQDN to use for the second enterprise user.>] [/FederatedUserUris:<Semicolon separated list of federated user URIs to check for connectivity.>] |
Such as:
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LCSCmd.exe /Server /Role:EE /Action:Diag /diagnosticlevel |
Executes the action for the specified computer. If no FQDN is specified, the current computer is used. |
Specifies the role of the server. (Applies to Server context.) |
Takes a string that specifies the action name. |
Specifies the reference domain FQDN. |
Specifies the global setting location. |
Specifies the FQDN of the domain where Office Communications Server universal groups are located. |
Specifies the user URI (For instance, Required for logon and IM tests. |
Specifies the sign-in name (For instance, or\alice). Required for logon and IM tests. |
Specifies the user password. Required for logon and IM tests. |
Specifies the target server to use. If not specified, the pool of the local computer will be used. |
Specifies the user URI (For instance, Required for logon and IM tests. |
Specifies the sign-in account (For instance, or\bob). Required for logon and IM tests. |
Specifies the user password. Required for logon and IM tests. |
Specifies the target server to use. If not specified, the pool of the local computer will be used. |
Specifies a list of federated user URIs to probe delimited by semi-colon (for example,; |
Specifies the log file path. If not specified, %TEMP%\<ActionName>[<Date>][<Time>].html is used. To disable logging, use a dash character (-) as the log file name. |
Specifies whether the log file to be generated should be in XML format instead of HTML. |
Shows Help on usage. |