The A/V Edge service requires the port range from 50,000 through 59,999 to be open outbound for TCP for federation.
- Additionally, if you will be federating with organizations that
run Office Communications Server 2007 and earlier, you must open
this 50,000 to 59,999 port range for both RTP/TCP and RTP/UDP, and
for both inbound and outbound connections.
- If you will be federating only with organizations that run
Office Communications Server 2007 R2, you need only to open this
port range for RTP/TCP, only for outbound connections.
- Otherwise, if you will not be sharing audio/video over a
federated relationship, you can close this port range.
Note: Closing 50,000-59,999 prevents A/V conferencing between an Office Communications Server 2007 federated domain and an Office Communications Server 2007 R2 federated domain, but A/V conferencing between two Office Communications Server 2007 R2 federated domains can still take place over port 3478 (UDP) or port 443 (TCP).