Some Communicator 2007 R2 features and behaviors can be configured by the administrator by using Office Communications Server 2007 R2 in-band provisioning, or by the user through the Communicator 2007 R2 Options dialog box. However, Group Policy takes precedence over both of these methods.
Communicator 2007 R2 Group Policy
The following table summarizes the order in which settings take precedence when a conflict occurs.
Order of precedence for Group Policy, in-band provisioning, and Options dialog box settings
Precedence | Location or Method of Setting |
1 |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Communicator |
2 |
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Communicator |
3 |
Office Communications Server 2007 in-band provisioning |
4 |
Communicator 2007 R2 Options dialog box |
Communicator 2007 R2 Group Policy
You can deploy Communicator 2007 R2 Group Policy without affecting users who are running Communicator 2005. This section introduces Communicator 2007 R2 Group Policy.
Group Policy additions are summarized in the following table.
New Group Policies for Communicator 2007 R2
Policy Name | Definition | ||
AllowSimultaneousRinging |
Allows "simul-ring" (simultaneously ring an additional number when receiving incoming calls). WMI class is MSFT_SIPGlobalUCPolicyData. |
DisableHTMLIM |
Disables HTML instant messages. |
EnableFullScreenVideoPreviewDisabled |
Enables full screen video with the correct aspect ratio and disables video preview for all Communicator video calls. |
PlayAbbrDialTone |
Changes the length of the dial tone from a 30-second dial tone to a fading, 3-second dial tone. |
ConferenceAccess |
Controls whether a conference uses Open Authenticated access or Anonymous access. |
PC2PCASEncryption |
For peer-to-peer desktop sharing, controls whether encryption is turned on or off.
DisableVoiceMemo |
Controls the ability to leave a voice memo. |
Legacy Communicator Group
The following table lists policies that have not changed in Communicator 2007 R2.
Legacy Group Policies for Communicator 2007 R2
Policy Name | Definition |
AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval |
Set time interval to retry a failed automatic connection to the server. |
CalendarStatePublicationInterval |
Frequency of updates to presence from Outlook Calendar. |
CallLogAutoArchivingPolicy |
Controls saving of call logs to the Outlook Conversation History folder. |
ConfiguredServerCheckValues |
List of additional servers for logging on. |
CustomStateURL |
Configure up to four custom presence states. |
DGRefreshPeriod |
DGRefreshPeriod |
DGUrlExternal |
External address book location. |
DGUrlInternal |
Internal address book location. |
DisableAVConferencing |
Supersedes DisableVideo. (See also DisablePC2PCVideo.) |
DisableCalendarPresence |
Disables the loading of free or busy data from the Outlook messaging and collaboration client, and prevents this data from being published. (Replaces DisableCalendarState.) |
DisableConversationWindowTabs |
Disable display of custom Conversation window extensions. |
DisableDataConferencing |
(Replaces DisableCollaborationApps.) |
DisableEmailComparisonCheck |
Disable comparison of SMTP address with Outlook user profile. |
DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName |
Show the sign-in name or SIP address of federated contacts. |
DisableFreeBusyInfo |
DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine |
DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine |
Prevents calls from being placed from the handset when the computer is locked. |
DisableHttpConnect |
Disable the HTTP connection fallback option. |
DisableICE |
Affects the ability to establish voice or video calls behind a firewall or Network Address Translation (NAT) layer. |
DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation |
Prevents Communicator from publishing the subject and location information of a meeting. This value is not used if DisableCalendarPresence is set, or if the Update my status based on calendar dataoption on the Personaltab is not set. |
DisableOneNote12Integration |
Shows or hides the OneNote 2007 command in the Conversation window. |
DisableOnlineContextualSearch |
Removes the Find Previous Conversations command and disables display of the previous conversations. |
DisablePC2PCVideo |
Disables peer-to-peer video calls. Supersedes DisableVideo. (See also DisableAVConferencing.) |
DisablePICPromptDisplayName |
Controls the display of the sign-in name or SIP address of public internet connectivity (PIC) contacts. |
DisableRTFIM |
Disables rich text in instant messages. |
DisableServerCheck |
Controls the sign-in check for server name and version. |
DisableSimultaneousRinging |
Disables the Unified Communications Enterprise Voice feature Simultaneously Ring an Additional Number. |
EnableAppearOffline |
Users can choose Appear Offline from the Presence menu. |
EnableEventLogging |
Turns on logging of certain errors to the Windows Event log, and disables the user interface for this feature. |
EnableSQMData |
(Replaces CEIP.) Enables the Customer Improvement Program option and disables the user interface for this feature. |
EnableStrictDNSNaming |
(Replaces DisableStrictDNSNaming.) Controls how Communicator interacts with SIP servers that have non-standard FQDNs |
EnableTracing |
Creates a log for troubleshooting signaling failures, and disables the user interface for this feature. |
ExUMEnabled |
Identify user account as enabled for voice mail. |
IMAutoArchivingPolicy |
Controls archiving of instant messages to the Outlook 2007 Conversation History folder, and disables the user interface for this feature. |
LocationProfile |
Configures a user's default location profile. |
MapiPollInterval |
Frequency of loading calendar data from MAPI. |
Location of the Media Relay Access server. |
msRTCLine |
Line information for unified communications Enterprise Voice. |
NotificationsForNewSubscribers |
Controls notifications received when a user is added to another user's contact list, and disables the user interface for this feature. |
TelephonyMode |
Configures telephony for Communicator 2007 R2. |
VoicemailURI |
Location of custom voice mail server. |
WebServicePollInterval |
Frequency of loading calendar data from the Web services provider. |
Changed or Superseded Policies
for Communicator 2007 R2
The following table lists the policies that have been changed or superseded in this release.
Changed or Superseded Policies for Communicator 2007 R2
Title | Definition |
See EnableSQMData. |
DisableCollaborationApps |
See DisableDataConferencing. |
DisablePC2PCAudio |
See TelephonyMode. |
DisableStrictDNSNaming |
See EnableStrictDNSNaming. |
DisableVideo |
See DisablePC2PCVideo and DisableAVConferencing. |
ABSInsideURL |
Specifies the address of the Global Address Book server to use when signing on from a location inside the organization’s firewall. |
ABSOutsideURL |
Specifies the intranet address of the Global Address Book server to be used when signing on from a location inside the organization’s firewall. This policy enables users to search for contacts in the organization’s Active Directory. |
ABSUseFallback |
Allows the alternate in-band provisioning location for the Office Communications Server Address Book Service files to be used when the policies “Address Book Server Inside URL” and “Address Book Server Outside URL” are not specified or do not contain valid information. |
AllowUnencryptedFileTransfer |
Controls the ability to send or receive unencrypted files using Microsoft Office Communicator File Transfer. This policy can be used if Communicator must transfer files to instant messaging clients that do not support encryption. |
BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts |
Prevents federated contacts from staring an audio, video, or instant messaging session with a Communicator user, unless the federated contact’s access level has been set to Personal. |
ConfigurationMode |
Specifies how Communicator identifies the transport and server. If you enable this policy, you must specify the transport and either the server name or server IP address that Communicator will use. |
DisableEmoticons |
Prevents Communicator from showing emoticons in instant messages. |
DisableFileTransfer |
Disables the File Transfercommand. |
DisableInkIM |
Prevents Communicator from sending or receiving instant messages that contain Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition ink. |
DisableNTCredentials |
Requires the user to provide logon credentials for Communicator rather than automatically using the Windows credentials during sign on to a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server. |
DisablePresenceNote |
Prevents users from selecting or clearing the Automatically retrieve Out of Office settings from Outlookcheck box on the Personaltab of the Optionsdialog box. |
DisableSavingIM |
Prevents Communicator users from saving instant messages. |
EnableSIPHighSecurityMode |
Enables Office Communicator to send and receive instant messages securely when using the SIP Communications Service. This policy has no effect on Windows .NET or Exchange Server services. |
EnableUPNP |
Enables Universal Plug and Play (UPnP). |
EnableURL |
Enables hyperlinks in instant messages. |
HelpMenuText |
Specifies the text to display to the user in the Help menu for the Help Web site. |
HelpMenuURL |
Specifies which Web site to open when the user selects the Help menu text item in the Help menu. |
IMWarning |
Allows the administrator to configure the initial text that appears in the instant messaging area when a Conversation window is opened. |
MaxAudioVideoBitrate |
Limits bandwidth that Communicator 2007 R2 can use for audio and video calls. Set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE only. Cannot be set on a per-user basis. |
MaximumNumberOfContacts |
Specifies the maximum number of contacts that users can add to their Contact List. |
PC2PCAVEncryption |
Specifies whether encryption is supported, required, or not supported when making and receiving audio and video calls. We recommend that this value be set to 1 if encryption must be forced. |
PortRange/Enabled |
The PortRange subvalues specify the ranges of dynamically-allocated ports that Communicator can use to transmit signaling data using SIP, and to transmit audio and video data using RTP. Set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE only. Cannot be set on a per-user basis. |
PortRange/MaxMediaPort |
See PortRange/Enabled. |
PortRange/MinMediaPort |
See PortRange/Enabled. |
PreventRun |
Prevents users from running Communicator. |
SavePassword |
Enables Communicator to store passwords. |
TabURL |
URL for the XML file from which the tab definitions are loaded. |
TourLaunch |
Controls the availability of the Office Communicator Tour. |
TourLaunch /TourURL |
Provides an address for the Office Communicator Tour. The address can point to the local computer, or to an HTTP or HTTPS site in the Windows Internet Explorer Local intranetor Trusted sitessecurity zones. |
Obsolete Communicator 2007 R2
Group Policies
The following table lists Communicator 2005 policies that are no longer used.
Obsolete Communicator 2007 R2 Group Policies
Policy Name |
ConfigurationMode/MaximumNumberOfExtensions |
ConfigurationMode/PBXPhoneDomain |
DisableCRLChecking |
DisableLiveMeetingIntegration |
EnableConferencingService |
EnablePC2Phone (Superseded by TelephonyMode) |
EnablePhoneControl (Superseded by TelephonyMode) |
EnableRemoteAssistance |
PortRange/MinSipDynamicPort |