The topics under Deploying Live Meeting help administrators deploy the meeting client for a Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 environment. If your organization plans to host Microsoft Office Live Meeting on Office Communications Server 2007 R2, you should refer to the topics in this Help for information about deploying the meeting client and the Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook messaging and collaboration client.
In This Section
What's New in
Office Live Meeting Client Deployment
Meeting Clients and the Conferencing Add-in
Deploying Office
Live Meeting Clients
Deploying the
Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook
Live Meeting 2007
Viewing the Live
Meeting Log Files
Office Live
Meeting 2007 Registry Keys
Registry Keys
Shared with Office Communicator
These topics and the topics under them outline new
deployment considerations for Office Live Meeting 2007. Use them
with Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and the Office
Communicator 2007 R2 documentation, available at the