There are two actions for checking the state of a pool:
CheckPoolState Action
CheckPoolStateto troubleshoot or verify the state of an
Office Communications Server pool. This action indicates the state
of this pools Active Directory information and the pools Enterprise
Edition Servers. A syntax example for this action follows.
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LCSCmd.exe /Forest[:<forestFQDN>] /Action:CheckPoolState
/PoolName:<name of pool>
Such as:
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LCSCmd.exe /Forest /Action:CheckPoolState /PoolName:Pool01
CheckAllPoolsState Action
CheckAllPoolsStateaction reveals every Enterprise pool
and Standard Edition server in a forest, and it indicates each
high-level state of the respective pool and server – including
their Active Directory information. The syntax for the
CheckAllPoolsStateaction follows.
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LCSCmd.exe /Forest[:<forestFQDN>] /Action:CheckAllPoolsState
Such as:
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LCSCmd.exe / /Action:CheckAllPoolsState