Office Communications Server 2007 R2 provides dedicated administrative tools for administering Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Response Group Service, and Communicator Web Access. In Office Communications Server 2007 R2, administrative tools must be installed independently. They are no longer installed automatically on Front End Servers.
Tools That Are Installed
When you install Office Communications Server 2007 R2 administrative tools, the following tools are installed:
- Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Microsoft Management
Console (MMC) snap-in
- Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in
- Computer Management console snap-in extension
- Communicator Web Access snap-in
- Response Group Service snap-in
For details about these tools, see Administrative Consolesin the Planning and Architecture documentation.
Supported Operating Systems
The following operating systems are supported for the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 administrative tools:
- Windows Server 2008 Standard or Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
(64-bit or 32-bit edition)
- Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition with SP2 or Windows
Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition with SP2 (64-bit or 32-bit
- Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with SP2 or Windows Server
2003 Enterprise Edition with SP2 (64-bit or 32-bit edition)
- Windows Vista Business with SP1 or Windows Vista Enterprise
with SP1 (64-bit or 32-bit edition)
Required System Updates
An operating system update is required before you
install Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Administrative Tools
in some situations. The update is Microsoft Knowledge Base article
953582, "You may be unable to install a program that tries to
register extensions under the IQueryForm registry entry in Windows
Server 2008 or in Windows Vista," available at
- On computers running Windows Vista, if you also install Remote
Server Administration Tools (RSAT)
- On computers running Windows Server 2008, if Active Directory
Domain Services (AD DS) administrative tools are installed