Upon completion of the Group Chat setup wizard, the Server Configuration wizard opens, which you use to setup the server and associated services. The Server Configuration wizard writes a debug log of the actions taken during this phase of deployment. You can view the log at the following location: %appdata%\Microsoft\Group Chat\Server Config Tool\Logs\ServerConfigTool.log.

To configure the Group Chat Server

  1. In the Installed Servicespage, click Next.

  2. On the Group Chat Databasepage, perform the following steps:

    • In Server\Instance, specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and instance of the server on which the SQL Server database was created for Group Chat (for example, groupchat.constoso.com\sql2005).

    • In Database, specify the name of the database (for example, groupchatdb).

    The Group Chat database cannot be located on the same computer as the Group Chat servers.
  3. Click Next.

  4. On the Database Settingspage, errors are listed (if any) as the databases are examined.

    There might be a slight delay while the databases are examined.
  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Super Userpage, specify one or more super users, which are the users that have administrative rights to the Group Chat servers.

    The super users specified here will be the initial super users for this installation. You can add more super users later using the Group Chat Administration Tool. The user name of the installer automatically appears in the Find and add a Super User. To add this user name to the Super Userlist, click Add. To add a different user to the Super User(s)list, specify a SIP URI or user name, and then click Add.
  7. Click Next.

  8. On the Communications Serverpage, perform the following steps:

    • In Host, specify the FQDN of the Office Communications Server. In Office Communications Server Standard Edition, this is the FQDN of the Front End server, For Enterprise Edition, use the pool server.

    • In the Port box, select the Auto detect portcheck box or specify the port used by your Office Communications Server for MTLS connections.

    • Under MTLS Certificate, click Browseto select the location of the certificate. Your computer may have several certificates installed. Make sure that you select the certificate that has the specific purpose of Server Authentication.

      If you are installing an additional instance of Group Chat to create a pooled environment, the established settings from the server pool are used and this page is not shown.
  9. Click Next.

  10. On the Lookup Servicepage, perform the following steps:

    If you are installing a second or third instance of Group Chat to create a pooled environment, the established settings from the server pool are used and the Lookup Servicepage is not shown.
    • Under Office Communications Server credentials, type the Lookup service account you created prior to installation. In the SIP URIbox, specify the SIP URI of the Lookup service account. SIP URIs are not case-sensitive.

    • In the Usernamebox, specify the name of the Lookup service account. This can be in the following formats: username@domain or domain\username.

    • In the Passwordand Confirm Passwordboxes, type the password for the account.

    • Under Settings Specific to this Machine, in the Pool Communication Portbox, specify the internal server communications port to be used to listen to messages from other servers in the system’s server pool (that is, to allow all servers to communicate with each other and share data such as chat history and channel settings with all other servers in the system). The default port for Lookup service is 8010.

      The Pool Communication Port for the Lookup and Channel services installed on the computer must use different ports. For example, if the pool communication port for a Lookup service is 8011, the pool communication port for the Channel service on the computer cannot be 8011.
  11. Click Next.

  12. On the Channel Servicepage, perform the following steps:

    • In the Usernamebox, specify the name of the Channel service account. This can be in the following formats: username@domain or domain\username (this is the Channel service account you created before installation).

    • In the Passwordand Confirm Passwordboxes, type the password for the account.

    • In Pool Communication Port, specify the internal server communications port to be used for to listen to messages from other servers in the system’s server pool (that is, to allow all servers to communicate with each other and share data such as chat history and channel settings with all other servers in the system). The default port for Channel service is 8011. This setting cannot be the same port used by the Lookup service on the computer.

    • In Service Listening Port, specify the port to be used to listen for inbound client connections. The default value for this port is 5041. The installer will create a Trusted Service Entry for the Channel service by using this port.

  13. Click Next.

  14. On the Compliance Settingspage, perform the following steps

    • To start compliance logging when the system is installed, under General, select the Turn on Compliance Server Loggingcheck box.

    • In Compliance File Repository, browse to and select a network share to store a copy of any uploaded files. The Compliance service account must have read and write access to this directory.

      If you are installing a second or third instance of Group Chat to create a pooled environment, the established settings from the server pool are used and the Compliance Settingspage is not shown.
  15. Click Next.

  16. On the Web Servicepage, specify the directory that you want to use to store files that are uploaded to the Web service.

    If you have deployed multiple Group Chat servers, this must be a shared network directory. The directory must be separate from the Web service folder, and the Channel service account must have read and write access to the directory.
  17. Click Next.

  18. On the Installation Summarypage, click Finish.

After the Server Configurationwizard closes, the Group Chat Setup wizard displays the Installation Completepage.