Topic Last Modified: 2010-07-17
You install Communications Server 2010 on Edge Servers by using Communications Server 2010 Deployment Wizard. By running the Deployment Wizard on each Edge Server, you can complete most of the tasks required to set up the Edge Server. In order to deploy Communications Server 2010 on an Edge Server, you must have already run Topology Builder to define and publish your Edge topology, as well as exported it to media that is accessible from the Edge Server. For details, see Topologies for External User Access.
After using the Deployment Wizard to install each Edge Server, install and assign the required certificates, and start the required services, you can complete the setup by using the information in Configuring Support for External User Access to enable and configure external user access and the information in Verifying Your Edge Deployment to validate the setup, including server and client connectivity.
To install an Edge Server
Log on to the computer on which you want to install your Edge Server as a member of the local Administrators group or an account with equivalent permissions.
Ensure that the topology configuration file you created using Topology Builder, and then exported and copied to external media, is available on the Edge Server (for example, on the Edge Server, attach the USB drive onto which you copied the topology configuration file, or verify access to the network share where you copied the file).
Start the Deployment Wizard by going to setup\amd64\setup.exe and double-clicking Setup.exe.
In the Deployment Wizard, click Install or Update Communications Server System.
In the Deployment Wizard, click Install Local Configuration Store.
After the wizard determines the deployment state, click Step 1. Install Local Configuration Store.
In the Local Server Configuration dialog box, click Local configuration from a file, and then browse to the location of the exported topology configuration file and select it. The Deployment Wizard reads the configuration information from the configuration file and writes the XML configuration file to the local computer.
In the Deployment Wizard, click Step 2: Set Up or Remove Communications Server Components. The Deployment Wizard installs the Communications Server edge components specified in the XML configuration file that is stored on the local computer.
After completing the installation, use the information in Set Up Edge Certificates to install and assign the required certificates before starting services.