Topic Last Modified: 2010-04-09
Microsoft Communicator “14” Phone Edition devices can be locked for purposes of security. If you choose to enforce the phone lock, you can specify whether the phone lock is enforced globally or only in the site for which it is configured. When you configure the phone lock, you specify the following settings:
- Minimum PIN length - The minimum length for the personal
identification number (PIN) that is used to unlock the phone. The
range for the PIN length is 4 to 15 digits. The default length is
six digits.
- Phone lock time-out - The minimum length of time before
the phone locks itself. The range for the time-out is 0 to 60
minutes; the default value is 10 minutes. Enter the value in the
format HH:MM:SS.
To configure the phone lock
Open Communications Server Control Panel.
Click Clients, and then click Device Configuration.
On the Device Configuration tab, in the list of device configurations, double-click the configuration for which you want to change the phone lock settings.
In the Edit Device Configuration dialog box, ensure that the Enforce device locking check box is selected.
Accept the default values for Minimum PIN length and Phone lock time-out, or type new values.
Click Commit.