[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Milestone-Ready]

Topic Last Modified: 2010-04-09

Call detail recording (CDR) records usage and diagnostic information about peer-to-peer activities including instance messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls, application sharing, file transfer, and meetings. The usage data can be used to calculate return on investment (ROI) and the diagnostic data can be used to troubleshoot peer-to-peer activities and meetings. Quality of Experience (QoE) records numerical data that indicates the media quality and information about participants, device names, drivers, IP addresses, and endpoint types involved in calls and sessions. For details, see Planning for Monitoring in the Planning documentation.

Use the following procedures to enable CDR and QoE for the whole organization or each site in your organization.

In order to enable CDR and QoE, you must first install the Monitoring Server and connect it to a backend Monitoring store. For more information, see Deploying Monitoring.

To enable CDR

  1. Open Communications Server Control Panel.

  2. Click Monitoring and Archiving, and then click Call Detail Recording,

  3. Select the appropriate site from the table, click Action, and then click Enable CDR.

    CDR is enabled by default.

To enable QoE

  1. Open Communications Server Control Panel.

  2. Click Topology, and then click the Server Application tab.

  3. Select QoEAgent from the table, click Action, and then click Enable Application.

    The QoEAgent is enabled by default.