Topic Last Modified: 2010-04-18
You can use the results of a search query to configure users for Microsoft Communications Server 2010. You can search for users by display name, first name, last name, Security Accounts Manager (SAM) account name, SIP address, or line Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
You can search for users by using the Communications Server Control Panel or the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in. The following procedure describes how to use the Communications Server Control Panel.
To search for one or more users
Open Communications Server Control Panel.
In the left navigation bar, click Users.
In the Search users box, type all or a portion of the display name, first name, last name, SAM account name, SIP address, or line URI of the user account that you want to search for, and then click Find.
Note: You can also use wildcards to search for users. -
(Optional) Specify additional search criteria to narrow results:
- Click the expand arrow button in the upper-right corner of the
screen above Search results, and then click Add
- Enter the user property by typing it or clicking the arrow in
the drop-down list to select a user property.
- In the Equal to list, click Equal to or Not
equal to.
- In the text box, type the search criteria you want to use to
filter search results, and then click Find.
- Click the expand arrow button in the upper-right corner of the
screen above Search results, and then click Add
The search results appear under Search Results. You can select any or all of the users in the list and perform configuration tasks.