[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Milestone-Ready]

Topic Last Modified: 2010-07-13

Dial plans used for dial-in conferencing need to have a Dial-in conferencing region specified to associate dial-in conferencing access numbers with the appropriate dial plan. When you set up a dial plan, you specify the dial-in conferencing region that applies to that dial plan. Then when you create the dial-in access number, you select the regions that associates the access number with the appropriate dial plans.

Because it important to specify a region for all dial plans, we recommend that you use this procedure to verify that all dial plans have regions. This step is optional.

Use the Get-CsDialPlan cmdlet to verify whether the region is set for all dial-in conferencing dial plans. If the region is missing from dial plans, you can use the Set-CsDialPlan cmdlet to set the region. You can also use Communications Server Control Panel to update the region in existing dial plans. For details about using Communications Server Control Panel, see Modify a Dial Plan.

To verify whether dial plans have the region property set

  1. Open Communications Server Management Shell.

  2. Run:

    Copy Code
    Get-CsDialPlan [-Identity <XdsIdentity>]

    For example:

    Copy Code

    In this example, all the dial plans configured for your organization are returned.

  3. Review the returned dial plans to identify any that are missing the dial-in conferencing region. For more details, see Communications Server Management Shell documentation.

To set the region property for a dial plan

  1. Open Communications Server Management Shell.

  2. For any dial plans that are missing the dial-in conferencing region, run:

    Copy Code
    Set-CsDialPlan [–Identity <XdsIdentity>] -DialinConferencingRegion "<region>"

    For example:

    Copy Code
    Set-CsDialPlan –Identity Redmond –DialinConferencingRegion "US West Coast"

    In this example, the dial plan with the Identity of Redmond is modified to set the DialinConferencingRegion property to "US West Coast". For more details, see Communications Server Management Shell documentation.