[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Milestone-Ready]

Topic Last Modified: 2010-07-05

The process of homing users on a Survivable Branch Appliance or a Survivable Branch Server is similar to the process of homing users on a Microsoft Communications Server 2010 pool. Perform the Survivable Branch Appliance or Survivable Branch Server procedure at the central site.

To home users on Survivable Branch Appliance or Server

  1. Before moving users to the Survivable Branch Server, open the Communications Server Management Shell, and then do all of the following:

    • Run the cmdlet Test-CSPstnOutboundCall to verify that the Survivable Branch Server is running and that the PSTN connectivity is configured. If you need to modify PSTN gateway properties, use the cmdlet Set-CsPstnGateway.

    • Run the cmdlet Get-CsVoicePolicy to verify that the users that will be homed on the Survivable Branch Server have the appropriate VoIP routing policy. If you need to modify the VoIP policy, use the cmdlet Set-CsVoicePolicy.

    • Run the cmdlet Get-CsVoicemailReroutingConfiguration to verify that the voicemail rerouting settings are configured. If you need to modify the voicemail rerouting settings, use the cmdlet Set-CsVoicemailReroutingConfiguration.

  2. In the Shell, run the cmdlet Move-CsUser cmdlet to home users.

You can also use Communications Server Control Panel to verify prerequisites and home users. For information, see Managing Users, in the Communications Server Control Panel Help.

See Also

Other Resources
