Public Fields
Name | Description | |
Accepted | Refer accepted. | |
AddressIncomplete | The Request-URI is incomplete. | |
AlternativeService | The call was not successful, but alternative services are possible. | |
Ambiguous | The Request-URI was ambiguous. | |
BadCallLeg | The call leg (that is, call context) does not exist or has been cleaned up. | |
BadEvent | The server could not process the event package specified in an "Event" header field. | |
BadExtension | Bad extension. | |
BadGateway | Bad gateway. | |
BadRequest | The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. | |
BusyEverywhere | The operation failed. | |
BusyHere | The receiving system was contacted successfully but it is currently not willing or able to take additional calls. | |
Conflict | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. | |
DeclineAll | The user wants to decline a signaling session everywhere including call routing. | |
DeclineEverywhere | The client wants to decline a signaling invitation at all forked locations. | |
DoesNotExistAnywhere | The user does not exist anywhere. | |
ExtensionRequired | A required extension is missing in the Supported header of the request. | |
Forbidden | Forbidden. | |
Forwarded | The provisional Call-Forwarded response. | |
InternalServerError | Internal server error. | |
IntervalTooBrief | The expiration time of the resource request is too short. | |
LoopDetected | A loop has been detected. | |
MaximumFailureResponseCode | The largest possible valid failure response code. | |
MaximumProvisionalResponseCode | Maximum valid provisional response code. | |
MaximumRedirectResponseCode | Maximum redirect response code. | |
MaximumResponseCode | The largest possible valid response code. | |
MaximumSuccessfulResponseCode | Maximum successful response code. | |
MessageTooLarge | The message is too large. | |
MethodNotAllowed | The method is not allowed. | |
MinimumFailureResponseCode | Minimum response code indicating failure. | |
MinimumProvisionalResponseCode | Minimum provisional response code. | |
MinimumRedirectResponseCode | Minimum redirect response code. | |
MinimumResponseCode | Minimum valid response code. | |
MinimumSuccessfulResponseCode | Minimum successful response code. | |
MovedPermanently | The user is no longer available. | |
MultipleChoices | Multiple Choices. | |
None | Indicates invalid response code fields. | |
NotAcceptable | Could not find a compatible Accept header. | |
NotAcceptableHere | SDP is not acceptable, is in an invalid format, or is not supported. | |
NotAcceptableMedia | Media is not acceptable. | |
NotFound | The user does not exist at the domain specified. | |
NotImplemented | Feature is not implemented. | |
ProxyAuthenticationRequired | Proxy authentication is required. | |
ProxyShouldRedirect | Proxy should redirect. | |
Queued | Represents the provisional Queued response. | |
RedirectResponseCode | The user has moved temporarily. | |
RequestPending | Request pending. | |
RequestTerminated | The request was terminated by a Bye or Cancel. | |
RequestTimeout | The request could not be fulfilled in a suitable amount of time. | |
RequestTooLarge | The request entity body is too large. | |
RequestUriTooLong | The request URI is too long. | |
ResourceGone | The requested resource is no longer available. | |
Ringing | Represents the provisional Ringing response. | |
ServerTimeout | Server time-out. | |
ServiceUnavailable | Service unavailable. | |
SessionProgress | Represents the provisional SessionInProgress response. | |
SessionTimerTooSmall | The session timer indicated in the message is too small. | |
Success | Successful. | |
TemporarilyUnavailable | The user is unavailable. | |
TooManyHops | Too many hops are detected. | |
Trying | Represents the provisional Trying response. | |
Unauthorized | The request requires user authentication. | |
UnsupportedMediaType | The media type is unsupported. | |
UnsupportedUriScheme | The scheme of the URI in the request URI is unknown. | |
UseProxy | Proxy must be used to access the requested resource. | |
VersionNotSupported | The SIP protocol version is not supported. |